Liuyunfound a wayimmortalized immortality 成人有一个地方是专门负责生产最小干细胞的地方,被我无意当中发现了!不用吃药、不用打针、不用机械,只要你锻炼那个部位你就会一天一变。 Adultsare responsible for a local production is the smallestspecializedstem cells, which I do not intend to be found. Nomedication, noinjections, no machinery, as long as you exercisethat you will oneday a position change.
通过我的实践证明,成人体产生最小干细胞的地方在“脑垂体”或“大脑海马”里,在“脑垂体”的可能性大一些。而指挥“脑垂体”的应该是“松果体”。 Iproved through practice, into human stem cells have thesmallestplaces in the "pituitary" or "brain hippocampus" and in"pituitary"the possibility of some. The command "pituitary" shouldbe "thepineal gland."
Thereare two reasonsfor Immortalized immortal 一是当我锻炼到十几天的时候,我锻炼的那个部位也嫩了,在它不嫩的时候产生最小的干细胞传遍我的全身,使我的整个肌体鲜嫩,它自己嫩了以后会产生更小的干细胞传遍我的全身。所以,没有特殊情况,我的身体会永远处在自己想要的一个年龄段状态,如20岁。 WhenI first 10 days of the exercise, I exercise that also part ofthetender, it is not the time to tender a minimum of stem cellsspreadthroughout my body, my whole body fresh, tender after itsown willproduce more stem cells spread all over the small of mybody.Therefore, no special circumstances, I will be forever in thebodyyou want a state of the age, such as 20-year-old.
二是我锻炼的是“松果体”、“脑垂体”和“大脑海马”附近的肌群。“脑垂体hypophysis”是身体内最复杂的内分泌腺,所产生的激素不但与身体骨骼和软组织的生长有关,且可影响其它内分泌腺(甲状腺、肾上腺、性腺)的活动。 Second,I exercise is "the pineal gland," "pituitary" and"brainhippocampus" near the muscles. "Pituitary hypophysis" is themostcomplex body of the glands, hormones produced by the body andnotonly bone and the soft tissue growth, and can affect theotherendocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal, gonadal)activities.
有一点医学常识的人都知道,所有的老年痴呆症都是因为“大脑海马”和它附近的肌群萎缩了。也就是说,“大脑海马”和它附近的肌群年轻你的整个肌体就年轻,“大脑海马”和它附近的肌群老了以后你的肌体就老,如果“大脑海马”和它附近的肌群萎缩了,整个人就痴呆了。“大脑海马”被切除以后,人不仅将失去新的记忆,而且也将失去生存能力。我们只要保持住“脑垂体”、“大脑海马”和它们附近的肌群的年轻,没有特殊情况下我们就会获得永生! It is themedical common sense knows, all the Alzheimer'sdisease because ofthe "brain hippocampus," and its vicinity of themuscle atrophy. Inother words, the "brains hippocampus" and themuscles around it yourwhole body of the young on young, "thehippocampus brain" and themuscles around it after the old old onyour body, if the "brainhippocampus" It vicinity of the muscleatrophy, dementia on thewhole person. "Hippocampus of the brain,"was excised, the peoplewill not only lose the new memory, but willalso lose theirviability. As long as we maintain the "pituitary,""brainhippocampus" near the muscles and their young, noexceptionalcircumstances we will obtain eternal life! |