Use of calcium to strengthen bones, just counterproductive
Use of calcium to strengthen bones, just counterproductive
The main component of bone is calcium. However, the combination of allelements of the bone matrix relies on collagen. It gives the rigid boneelasticity and contributes to fracture resistance. Without collagen,the combination would be imperfect. Thus, the bone would be weakenedand becomes fragile and crisp.
With plenty collagen in bones, new born babies are very supple.However, their bones are not strong enough to allow them sitting up orstanding up. At this stage, calcium is a necessary complement toconstruct strong bones. Thus, God makes calcium one of the majoringredients in milk.
As baby grows up, calcium and collagen are balanced in their bones.Only little amount of additional calcium is needed to complement theloss from metabolism. Excessive ingestion of calcium wouldcorrespondingly reduce collagen ratio in bone matrix. Consequently,fragile and crisp bone would be found under such imbalanced collagenstatus.
The combination of calcium and collagen in bone matrix is equivalent tothe combination of cement and sand in concrete. It is not the lack ofcement but sand that makes a concrete structure flake and frail,although the majority component is cement.
Children are generally free of fracture when slipped because theabundant collagen gives them elastic bones; whereas, seniors would getserious hurt because of the lower bone elasticity and poor fractureresistance resulted from the loss of collagen.
Babies with brittle bone diseases (Ontogenesis imperfecta, OI) arereported after the launch of high calcium milk. How to explain thiscorrelation? Can it be simply commented as genetic disorder?
Milk is given for babies, not for grown-ups. It is a nature rule that animals don’t drink milk after their teeth eruption.
Milk (from animals) are not given for human
While most animals can stand up and can walk few minutes after theywere born, nearly all human beings have difficult to sit up bythemselves even 6 months after they were born. Is there any differencebetween human bone and other creatures’ bone? Are there any differentneeds for nutrition between human beings and others creatures? Doesanimal milk satisfy with the need of human beings?
Cows belong to “cold” category (Cambrian animal). This means food isdecomposed slowly and incompletely in their body system. Therefore,rumination is needed to assimilate complete nutrients. If human beingsdrink cow milk for a long while, their body systems would becomeimbalanced and then turn into cold category. As the decay of theirdigest functions, they would not absorb nutrients completely andbalanced. Followed by the innutrition, their health would deteriorateand they would become sick frequently.
Goats belong to “fire” category. This means their body trend toevaporate or vitalize body fluid easily. Hence, their bowel movementsare dry and hard pellets. If human beings drink goat milk for a longwhile, their body fluid would become insufficient and consequently havepersistent constipation. As hot- swelling and cold - shrinking is oneof the nature rules, when the body system trend to be more and more“fire”, blood vessels are heated and expanded. Once the system is over“fire”, the capillary (blood vessels) would be broken and then causemelena or hemotochezia. So, do you still believe drinking goat milkfrequently is good for your health?
Cows don’t have incisors; hence the nutrition needed for incisorseruption is not give in cow milk. Tooth decay is common to find onchildren raised by cow milk. It is the cow milk, not sweets, whichshould take the blame for the dental caries.
Cow milk contains some elements that can help vomit and rumination.These elements, however, are very harmful to human liver. The initialsymptoms of this injury are salivation and vomiting milk fromrepletion. As the liver system is hurt more and more, patients wouldbecome manic, hyperactive, and easier to sprain or crick. Moreover,weakness and numbness of feet are the most common symptoms, and thuspatients frequently fall and sprain when they do exercise.
Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, malfunction of the“stomach” system causes food to be decomposed slowly and incompletely.In addition, with the longer stay of rotted food in such “stomach”system is halitosis. Besides, the incomplete decomposition indicatespoor nutrition ingestion and poor health condition. This also explainsthat people without balanced internal systems and belong to “cold”category are always weak and sick. Don’t be fooled by the nutrition andthrepsology! What important is how well your body system is, not howmuch nutrition the milk has! |