本报北京8月2日电 (记者王淑军) 记者今天从中国中医科学院获悉:美国食品药品管理局(FDA)新近发布了一份指导性文件《补充和替代医学产品及FDA管理指南(初稿)》,将包括中医药在内的传统医学从“补充和替代医学(CAM)”中分离出来,首次认同中医药学与西方主流医学一样,是一门有着完整理论和实践体系的独立科学体系,而不仅仅是对西方主流医学的补充。 据中国中医科学院陈可冀院士介绍,美国FDA这一继2004年发布《植物药产品指南》之后的新文件,契合了以患者为中心的医疗模式,顺应了美国国内补充和替代医学快速发展的现状,表明了FDA对中医药理念和治疗功能的接受程度有所提高,在新药开发问题上有了较积极、务实的态度。
What Are !°Whole Medical Systems?!
NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving !°complete systems of
theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic
These may reflect individual cultural systems, such as
(conventional) medicine.!
traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. Some elements common to whole
medical systems are a belief that the body has the power to heal itself, and that healing
may involve techniques that use the mind, body, and spirit.
Although it is unlikely that a whole medical system itself would be subject to
regulation under the Act or the PHS Act, products used as components of whole medical
systems may be subject to FDA regulation for the reasons described above. |