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[ Last edited by 寻找中医 on 2006/10/4 at 22:35 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006/10/4 22:19:27 | 显示全部楼层

本书来源于本人研究疫苗真相的发现。在我的儿子刚出生的时候,这个事情就变得尤为重要了。我开始从地方、州、大学和医学图书馆收集大量资料。这些资料中的很大一部分来自于科学刊物。我挨个研究了每个强制性疫苗。疫苗是用来预防疾病的什么症状?如果感染了该病,那么会有多危险?我也寻找了 1)疫苗是疾病影响范围全面减少的确切证据2) 疫苗有效的证据(它能有真正的免疫能力吗?),3)副作用和安全性。

Neil Z. Miller
Medical Research Journalist

接种疫苗预防疾病的想法从1796年开始就有了。这年英国的一个内科医生Edward Jenner相信得了牛痘(一种不严重的疾病)的乳牛场女工不会得天花(一种致命的疾病)。那时Jenner从当地的一个已经感染过牛痘的乳牛场女工的手上取出了一些患病物质,并将这些物质注入一个叫James Phipps的八岁健康男孩的割破的手臂里。于是这个男孩也得了牛痘。48天后,Jenner将含有天花病毒的物质注入这个男孩身上。天花病毒就不起作用了。这是首次有记录的疫苗接种。

1955年,美国的一位内科医生以及科学家Jonas Salk博士改良出了灭活疫苗来对付polio.从那以后很快, Albert Sabin博士(也是美国的一位内科医生以及科学家)又改良成功了一种活性的口服菌苗.两种疫苗据说在预防疾病方面都是安全有效的.
结论: 许多人错误地相信任何感染了脊髓灰质炎的人都会瘫痪或者死亡.然而,多数感染的情况症状几乎都差不多.事实上,在自然条件下接触polio病毒的95%的人都不会表现任何症状,甚至在疾病流行的时候也不会.大约5%的人受到感染并会经历轻微的症状,诸如喉咙痛,颈部发硬,头痛以及发烧,很多时候都被当作感冒或者流感了.肌肉麻痹的情况据估计只会发生在感染了该疾病的大约1/1000的人中出现.这种情况让一些科学研究者得出了这一结论:少部分变成脊髓灰质炎的人从解剖的角度来说可能更易致病.绝大部分其他人也许对这种病菌自然就有了免疫力.
今天脊髓灰质炎事实上在美国已经不存在.然而,根据Robert Mendelsohn博士(医学调查人以及儿科医生)的说法,没有确切的科学证据证明脊髓灰质炎的消失是因为疫苗的作用.从1923年到1953年,在Salk的灭活疫苗临床应用之前,在美国和英格兰的脊髓灰质炎的死亡率就已经自己分别下降了47和55个百分点(图2).统计数据也说明了其他欧洲国家的同样的下降情况.并且在疫苗真的投入使用的时候,许多欧洲国家质疑了它的有效性,并且拒绝系统地为他们的公民接种.然而,脊髓灰质炎也没见在这些国家流行.
在大规模接种灭活疫苗之后,脊髓灰质炎病例报导的数量大大超出没有大规模注射以前,也许在美国翻了个倍.例如,Vermont在1954年8月30日结束的为期一年的报导中,报告了15例脊髓灰质炎(在大规模接种之前), 而在1955年8月30日结束的为期一年报导中报导了55例(在大规模接种之后),增长了266%. Rhode Island在接种时期之前以及之后分别报导了22例以及122例,增长了454%.在新汉普郡(英国南部之一郡),数字分别是38和129;在(美国)康涅狄格数字分别是144和276;在马萨诸塞州分别是273和2027—巨增了642%(图3).
1950年代,国立健康研究所的医生和科学家当时就充分意识到了Salk疫苗在引起脊髓灰质炎.有些坦白表明了该疫苗”预防上毫无益处并且接种后会发生危险”.他们拒绝给他们自己的小孩接种.卫生部门禁止了疫苗接种. 爱达荷州(美国州名)卫生部长愤怒地宣称:”我要Salk疫苗和它的制造厂商对于脊髓灰质炎的爆发,并害死了几个爱达荷州人以及导致了许多爱达荷州人负责.”甚至引用Salk自己的话来说:”在你给孩子接种了脊髓灰质炎疫苗之后2到3星期,你都不要想睡好觉.”但是国家脊髓灰质炎基金以及投了巨大资金在疫苗上的医药公司强迫美国公共卫生服务机构错误地宣布疫苗是有效并且安全的.
1976年,Jonas Salk博士(1950年代临床使用的灭活疫苗发明者)证实了灭活疫苗(从1960年代到2000年专门在美国使用)”即使不是唯一的,也是主要的”自1961年以来美国报道的所有脊髓灰质炎病例的原因.(这种病毒可以存在喉咙中1到2星期,也可存在于粪便中长达2个月.因此,接种的人具有传染的危险性,并具有潜在传播该疾病的可能性,因为该病毒在排泄物中能够继续存活.)在1992年,联邦疾控中心公开承认活性疫苗已成为了美国发生脊髓灰质炎的主要原因.实际上,根据疾控中心的数据,自从1979年以来的每例脊髓灰质炎都是由口服脊髓灰质炎菌苗引起的.权威机构声称每年大约有8例脊髓灰质炎病例是由疫苗引起的.然而, 在分析了政府自己最近5年内的疫苗数据库之后,一个独立的调查发现了13,641个使用口服脊髓灰质炎菌苗之后的相反的事件报告.这些报告包括6,364例送抢救室的病例以及540例死亡病例.公众对于这些惨剧的愤怒成为了将口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗从免疫计划排除的推动力.
脊髓灰质炎与癌症: 1959年, Bernice Eddy发现全世界范围内使用的脊髓灰质炎疫苗含有一种能够引起癌症的传染媒.1960年, Merck研究所从事治疗研究的Drs. Ben Sweet和M.R. Hilleman发现并确信了这种传染媒—SV-40—这是一种能够感染所有的猴类的猿类病毒,而脊髓灰质炎疫苗就是用这些猴类的肾脏来产生的. Hilleman和Sweet在所有三种Albert Sabin的活性口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗中都发现了SV-40,”尤其在使用到人类婴儿身上的时候.”
对于SV-40进一步的研究发现了更加使人不安的信息.这种致癌病毒不仅通过Sabin 的受污染方糖疫苗口服剂进入人体,还直接通过注射进入人们的血液中.很明显,SV-40在Salk用来杀死微生物的甲醛中能够存活并且污染了这种注射疫苗.专家估计在1954年和1963年间,三千万到一亿的美国人以及大概一千万或者更多的全世界其他地方的人们在虚妄的消灭脊髓灰质炎运动中感染了SV-40(图6).
世界著名期刊发表了许多研究结果发现SV-40是多种癌症的催化剂.在脑瘤以及白血病中都发现了SV-40.1996年, Michele Carbone—芝加哥Loyola大学医学中心的分子病理学家—可以在38%的骨癌以及58%的间皮瘤(一种致命的肺癌)中检测到SV-40. Carbone的研究表明SV-40阻碍了一种通常情况下能够保护细胞发生恶性变化的蛋白质的形成.1998年,国家癌症数据库分析表明:在接种了受SV-40感染的脊髓灰质炎人群中,17%强的人得了骨癌,20%强的人得了脑癌以及178%(?)强的人得了间皮瘤.
也许这一点更令人担忧: 在其他的研究中发现,通过脊髓灰质炎疫苗引入人类的SV-40,可以在人与人之间以及母亲与孩子之间传染, 这会导致该正在流行的猿类病毒大规模爆发.对于59,000名妇女的研究发现,在1959年到1965年内接种过Salk疫苗的母亲的孩子患脑癌的可能性是没有接种过这些注射疫苗的13倍.
另一个在美国医学期刊<癌症研究>中发表的研究表明,SV-40存在于健康试验对象的23%的血液样本和45%的精液样本中.很明显,该病毒正在通过性传播以及通过子宫在母子之间传播.据生物和遗传学教授Mauro Tognon (其中一个研究结论的作者)说,这可以说明为什么在过去25年内,脑癌,骨癌以及肺癌在美国为什么不断增长,并且光脑瘤就增长了30%.也说明了为什么SV-40在1965年后出生,并据推断没有接种过脊髓灰质炎疫苗的小孩中也能检测到该病毒.
不论官方如何否认脊髓灰质炎疫苗, SV-40以及日益增长的癌症发病率之间的任何关联,截止2001年4月,全世界30个实验室的62篇论文都报告了人身组织以及肿瘤中间的SV-40. 该病毒也在脑垂体肿瘤,甲状腺肿瘤以及患有肾脏疾病的病人中发现.
Polio疫苗和爱滋病:SV-40病毒只是为数众多的污染了polio疫苗的猿类病毒中的一种(SV-40是在polio疫苗中发现的能够引发癌症的猴类病毒, 该病毒已经用在全世界数百万毫无戒备心的人们身上).”由于猴子的肾作为培养基是无数猿类病毒的宿主,这些病毒发现的数目多少有赖于寻找这些病毒的工作的进一步开展,制造商面临的这个难题即使不是不可克服的,也是相当困难的.”有一位早期的疫苗研究者写信给了国会陪审团—陪审团在研究含有越来越多的病毒的猴肾培养的活性polio疫苗.”随着我们检测技术手段的提高,我们也许会发现在我们所有的大量疫苗中,不含有猿类病毒的疫苗越来越少.”
据Ronald Desrosier(哈佛医学元教授)说,猴肾中培养的越来越多的polio疫苗的应用是一个”定时炸弹”.很显然有些存在于猴身上的病毒对猴子不会造成伤害.但是如果这些病毒由于其他各种原因在物种之间传播并且进入人群,新的疾病就会发生. Desrosier继续说:”使用猴类身体组织来生产人类疫苗的危险性在于,一些猴类中产生的病毒也许会通过疫苗传播到人类中间,从而产生很严重的健康问题.” Desrosier还警告说,我们只能够检测出已知的病毒,由于我们的知识所限,还有大约”2%存在的猴类病毒”我们不知道.
在1950年代,1960年代以及1970年代,病毒检测技术还相当粗糙不可靠,那时polio疫苗就开始生产并且临床应用了.直到1980年代,新的更为先进的检测过程才完善了.那时研究者发现大约50%的非洲绿猴—选择用来制造polio病毒的灵长类动物—感染了猿类免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),这种病毒跟人类的免疫缺陷病毒(HIV,导致AIDS的传染媒)有很大的关系.这一情况引起了一些研究者怀疑HIV病毒也许只不过是”宿于并适应人体宿主”的SIV病毒.这也引起了另一些研究者怀疑一旦SIV通过受到污染的polio疫苗进入人群,也许就已经变种成了HIV.实际上,根据AIDS病毒专家Robert Gallo说,有些形式的SIV猴类病毒在实践上根本无法与一些人类HIV病毒的变种区分.”猴类病毒就是人类病毒.有些猴类病毒跟HIV-2分离菌之间的接近关系与HIV-2分离菌之间的接近关系一般无二.”

Tetanus是由一种叫Clostridium tetani的细菌产生的毒素引起的.这种隐蔽的微生物(孢子)生活在土壤,灰尘以及肥料里.他们能够通过割破的以及刺破的伤口进入人体,但是只能够在无氧环境下繁殖.潜伏期从几天到三周不等(潜伏期为出现伤口到第一次症状的出现为止).然而,在多数情况下,很好地注意了伤口的卫生就会消除发生tetanus的可能.刺得很深的伤口以及有很多死组织的伤口需要彻底清洁,并且直到皮下组织开始愈合的时候才能缝合伤口.
在1970年代和1980年代期间, 在所有tetanus病例中美国大约有70%,澳大利亚有80%发生在超过50岁的成人中.所有致死的tetanus中大约95%发生在这个年龄的人群中.在美国只有5%的tetanus病例发生在小于20岁的人中,并且很少死亡.


医生以及其他健康专家经常通过夸大风险的方法来吓唬家长.例如,CDC发布的疫苗手册宣称每1000个感染了麻疹的儿童中就有一个会得脑炎(一种脑部感染).然而, Robert Mendelsohn博士(著名的儿科医生以及疫苗研究者)说:”1/1000的发生率对于住在贫穷和缺乏营养条件下的儿童来说是准确的.”但是对于其他每个人来说,”真正脑炎的发生率更可能是1/10,000或者1/100,000.”更何况,75%的这些病例也不会有脑子损坏的情况.
在1960年代之前,绝大多数在美国的儿童得过麻疹.1963年,一个由美国研究员John Enders领导的科学家团队发明了一种麻疹疫苗.大量的注射接种不久就开始了.
麻疹疫苗没有提供永久的免疫性.在接种的人口中传染病还是有规律地发生. CDC的高级流行病学家William Atkinson博士承认”接种人群中的麻疹传播已经清楚地记载下来.在一些大爆发中…超过95%的病例都有过疫苗接种史.”实际上,根据世界卫生组织的说法,那些接种过抗麻疹病疫苗的人得麻疹的几率比没有接种的高15倍.
麻疹疫苗有很长的引起严重逆反应的历史.负责生产麻疹疫苗的医药公司公布了一个在接种疫苗之后发生的全面的疾病清单.由于注射了这种”预防性”疫苗,严重的病痛影响了几乎每个身体系统—血液,淋巴,消化,心脏,免疫,神经,呼吸以及感官系统.这些疾病包括:脑炎,亚急性硬化全脑炎,Guillain-barre综合症,发热以及无热的抽搐,惊厥,非典型麻疹,血小板减少,淋巴结病,白细胞增多,肺炎, Stevens-Johnson综合症,红斑,风疹,耳聋,耳炎,视网膜炎,视神经炎,皮疹,发烧,头昏眼花,头痛以及死亡.最近<柳叶刀>的一个研究发现了疫苗和肠子疾病之间的关系.接种了麻疹疫苗的人比起没有接种的人多出二又二分之一倍的得溃疡性结肠炎的可能性,多出三倍的得Crohn病的可能性.
麻疹引起的肺炎以及肝功能异常的风险在青少年以及年龄较轻的成人这两种年龄群中较大.根据<传染病期刊>的研究结果,这些综合症已经增长了20%之多.相较于儿童来说, 婴儿以及成人得麻疹的死亡危险更高.
“我叫Wendy Scholl.我和我丈夫Gary以及三个女儿Stacy, Holly和Jackie住在Florida州.我要强调一下,我们所有三个女儿出生的时候都是健康正常的婴儿.在这里我想讲述一下Stacy对麻疹疫苗的反应…根据医学专业的说法,在接种疫苗7到10天内的任何与神经后遗症或者痉挛或者脑部损伤都是麻疹反应…
“在16个月大的时候, Stacy注射了麻疹疫苗.直到她注射后的第10天,她还是一个幸福,健康,正常的婴儿,跟一般婴儿一样好奇,喜欢玩耍.此后在我走进她房间的时候,发现她躺在婴儿床上,胃部伸得很平,头扭到了一边.眼神痴呆.



1969年,第一个活性风疹病毒疫苗在美国被许可临床应用.大约也是这个时候,几个欧洲国家,加拿大以及日本也应用了风疹疫苗.1979年,疫苗制造商开始生产发布Wistar RA27/3(“适于并繁殖在WI-38人类双倍肺纤维原细胞中”的活性风疹菌株”).一般说来,这种疫苗产自流产胎儿的组织中获得的细胞列中.这种疫苗至今仍在使用.
在风疹疫苗批准使用之前的1966年到1968年间, 所有病例中的77%发生在14岁年龄或者更小的年龄的人身上.所有病例中只有23%发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上.然而到1990年为止,所有风疹病例中的81%是发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上,15岁到29岁年龄的人中增长最大,这是主要的生育年龄段.从1994年到1997年这种趋势一直继续,所有病例中有85%发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上.
<新英格兰医学期刊>报告了所有医院雇员的三分之一拒绝注射风疹疫苗;81%的医生拒绝这种疫苗,高级医师接种率甚至更低.从那之后不久,<美国医学协会期刊>报告了47%的Southern California大学医学中心的雇员就不愿意参加疫苗接种运动;78%的医生不同意注射疫苗,甚至91%的产科医生和妇科医生拒绝参与这一运动(图13).由于一部分医生不情愿参与这种运动,促使了Robert Mendelsohn博士提出了下面的伦理问题:”如果医生他们自己都害怕疫苗,究竟为什么法律要你以及其他父母将疫苗用在孩子身上呢?”


结论:白喉在19世纪是一种普通的疾病.例如,从1891年到1895年,纽约每年平均有7,200例.病例死亡率大约是5%.在美国1940年代白喉病例的数目每年在15,000到30,000之间波动.然而,1980年一种新的模式出现了,每年只有几例.从1990年到2000年(一个11年周期), 记录了25例白喉病例.其中三例导致了死亡.


百日咳是一种感染呼吸系统的由细菌引起的接触传染病.有时叫whooping cough(百日咳), 这种疾病由感染了这种病的人发出的声调高的咳嗽声而得名,这些病人在这种严重的咳嗽发作的时候尽力想屏住呼吸.症状发展经历三个阶段.第一个阶段通常持续一到两周,病人呼吸困难,也许会咳嗽并发烧.第二个阶段通常持续2到3周,严重的咳嗽在晚上发作,然后在后半日以及后半夜发作.病发作的时候会导致吸入氧气不够,从而引起抽搐.在这个阶段也许会发生死亡.在最后的阶段,咳嗽减轻了并且开始恢复.全面恢复也许需要两到三个月.
在最近的一个SIDS的科学研究中,呼吸暂停的情况 (呼吸暂停)以及呼吸不足(不正常的浅呼吸)在百日咳疫苗接种之前以及之后都能检查到.使用了Cotwatch(一种放在婴儿床垫底下用来测量精确的呼吸模式的一种高级微处理器)以及由它产生的计算机打印输出用来分析.数据清楚显示疫苗接种引起了这种情况显著的增长:呼吸或者几乎停止或者完全停止(图16).这些情况在疫苗接种之后几个月一直持续. 该研究的人员Viera Scheibner博士总结出这一结论:”疫苗接种是婴儿死亡的个别原因中最普遍的以及最容易预防的.”
在另一个死于SIDS的103个小孩的研究中, William Torch博士发现超过2/3的小孩在死亡之前已经接种了百日咳疫苗.在这些死亡的病例中,有6.5%死于接种后12小时;13%死于接种后24小时;26%死于三天内;一周,两周以及三周内的死亡率分别是37%,61%以及70%(图17).他还发现SIDS的发生频率在2到4个月的婴儿中有一个双峰现象—这是初次剂量的百日咳疫苗使用在婴儿身上的那个年龄.
“我的名字叫Donna Gary.我们家里上个月应该已经为我们第一个孙女庆祝了她的第一个生日.然而,我们就要在这个月底给她做周年祭.
“我们的孙女Lee Ann在她的母亲带她去医生那里做常规检查的时候只有八个星期大.那次当然也包括为她做第一次DPT疫苗接种以及口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗.
“在她接受疫苗注射的时候,这个可爱而机敏的宝宝在她生命的整个八个星期,从来没有发出过那么撕心裂肺的尖叫.她妈妈以前也从来没有看过在她尖叫的时候她的背拱得那么厉害.她怎么哄也哄不了.即使是她的爸爸也不能感受到Lee Ann那异常的尖叫和哭喊代表的意义.
“在Lee Ann死后四小时.医生说这是’SIDS’(婴儿卒死综合症).’这与注射相关吗?’她的父母恳求.’不.’ ‘但是她今天下午才刚刚注射过DPT啊.这没有任何联系吗?’’不,根本没有任何联系,’急救室的医生肯定地说.
“我的丈夫和我在Lee Ann死后的第二个早晨赶紧赶到医院和尸检的病理学医生谈话.我们想确定他是否在Lee Ann死前的一段短时间内被警告过她注射了DPT—以防他能找到其他联系起来的证据.我们找不到他谈话.我们等待了两个半小时.最后,我们在尸检完成之后和另一个医生谈了话.他说这是’SIDS.’
“在Lee Ann出生前的几个月,她和我一个朋友的孙子的状况差不多.他比Lee Ann大了将近一岁半.在接受第一次DPT注射的时候他就在儿科医生的办公室里昏过去15分钟.’一些孩子的正常反应,’儿科医生保证说.父母很害怕,但是他们知道他们的医生很不错.他们相信他的判断.


1992年,<美国儿科研究院(AAP)>推荐只用非细胞(DTaP)疫苗来代替标准全细胞百日咳疫苗(DPT)的第四以及第五剂.1996年,美国权威机构全部五剂都用DTaP代替DPT—而不管一些研究员的争论,” 已经报告的接种DPT之后的多数温和以及严重的反应也已经在接种了DTaP之后被报告…”
接种了来自血浆的以及人工重组的B型肝炎疫苗之后的有害反应在科学文献中已经被指了出来.这些包括糖尿病,多发性硬化, Guillain-Barre综合症, Bell瘫痪, Rolf瘫痪,眼睛以及臂从神经病,视神经炎,中央神经系统脱髓鞘, lumbar reticulopathy, transverse myelitis,自体免疫反应, thrombocytopenic purpura,过敏性反应,关节炎,发烧,头痛,疼痛,呕吐,眩晕,带状包疹,以及抽搐.许多这样的反应就发生在接种了一剂疫苗之后.

水痘疫苗的有效率还没有得到可靠的建立.疫苗对于小于12个月的婴儿无效,并且在所有的批准之前的试验中,一些注射了疫苗的孩子还是感染了水痘.由于许多记载(以及没有记载)的与这种注射有关的病, ”疫苗失败”和/或皮疹的进展实际上和水痘无法区别.根据FDA的报告,大约1/10的接种儿童在接触水痘之后得了”突破性疾病”.因为一些人没有报告他们的反应,并且由于注射接种后导致感染带状疱疹或者某种其他疾病的接种儿童不算做无效或者疫苗失败的例子, 所以实际数据更为糟糕.
FDA和CDC的发现还包括很多接种者得了带状疱疹的报告(一种可以持续数周的疼痛皮肤出疹).这种痛苦在接种了注射剂之后的年月里会一再发生.一旦水痘病毒注射到身体里面,它们能够潜伏起来并且在免疫力下降的时候再活动.据FDA生物制剂和研究中心的Dennis Klinman博士以及一位在<自然医药>上面发表了对2000人进行了研究的作者说,潜在感染的重新活跃会在接种了活性弱水痘疫苗之后发生.”由于免疫力下降,潜在的病毒苏醒了.”包括一个发表在<新英格兰医学期刊>的那些早期的研究已经显示了水痘疫苗和带状疱疹之间的联系.

儿童在接种HIB疫苗之后,处于感染HIB疾病的风险之中.医生已经警告了CDC接种之后也许会有病情发生,”在疫苗的保护性效果发生之前发生.”一些研究提出了在接种疫苗之后的第一个七天对于该病”增长的易感性”警告.美国儿科研究院已经警告医生在接种疫苗之后观察疾病的迹象.实际上,几个研究发现, 在接种后的第一周HIB接种儿童比起没有接种的儿童有高出六倍的可能性得HIB.在对注射之后至少三周感染了HIB的儿童的一个研究中,多于70%的人变成了脑膜炎.其他研究已经证实抗体水平在接种HIB疫苗之后立即下降而不是上升—甚至采用较新的配对HIB疫苗也是如此—让儿童处在了侵入性疾病的更高的风险之中.
HIB疫苗通常同时和其他疫苗一起给用.一些医药公司将HIB疫苗和DTaP疫苗混合使用.因此,当一个孩子对于注射有有害反应的时候,经常难以确定疫苗的哪一部分出了问题(或者都有问题).然而,医学文献中记载了很多HIB疫苗和其他严重疾病之间确认的可能的联系,包括: Gguillain-Barre综合症,横向脊髓炎(脊髓的瘫痪),无菌脑炎,***,血小板减少症,多种形式的红斑,发烧,皮疹,麻疹,呕吐,腹泻,惊厥,抽搐以及婴儿卒死综合症.
结果:七岁的时候,比起没有接种的组,接种了四剂的组每100,000个儿童中多出了54例—增长了26%!十岁的时候多出了58例(图20).基于大约4百万儿童的年出生率,每年单在美国这就意味着有2,300例多出来的(本可以避免的)糖尿病.(每个依赖于胰岛素的病例估计要花超过1百万美圆医疗费用,并且这些人失去了工作能力.)相比而言,HIB只不过是用来预防一个小得多的严重残疾的病例.这些数字描述了重大的差异,并且根据一些分析这些数据的专家说,HIB疫苗和1型糖尿病之间的因果关系得到了支持.而且,”接种人群的糖尿病的增长了的风险超过了HIB脑炎并发症的预期降低的风险.” 因此,依据他们的判断,这些专家对公众发出了警告,”疫苗潜在的危险超过了潜在的好处.”

结论:多数健康儿童不会受到这种疾病的威胁.实际上,根据<美国儿科学会>公布的<传染病委员会红皮书报告>,”[儿童肺炎感染]在易于引发的条件下更容易存在,包括免疫球蛋白缺陷, Hodgkin病,天生的或者获得的免疫缺陷(包括HIV),肾脏综合症,一些上呼吸道感染,脾脏功能紊乱,脾切除以及器官移植.
实际上,谁也说不清肺炎疫苗注射剂能够起到什么作用,因为它的效果只是由它能够预防疫苗中的七种细菌引起的细菌疾病决定.这种疫苗不会预防七种之外的其他种类的链球菌引起的肺炎病.这种疫苗也不会预防由B型hemophilus influenzae或者meninggococcus引起的细菌感染.

流脑是一种能够引起脑膜炎和脑膜炎球菌血症或者败血症的严重的细菌疾病.流脑病原体由至少13种不同的种类组成,包括血清组A,B,C,Y,W-135,29E以及Z. 血清组C(也可称为Meningoccus C, MenC, 或者Meningitis C)这种病因占了美国所有流脑病的20%,英国的40%.{图22}
结论:小于一岁的婴儿有很大感染流脑的风险.1到5岁大的儿童是第二个高风险人群.15到19岁的孩子对这种疾病更加敏感.1998年,澳大利亚报告了421例这种疾病,加拿大只有126例,日本只报告了六例.在美国,C组流脑的爆发已经报道了.CDC评估说”每年在美国的大学生中有100到125例脑炎发生,并且引起了5到15例死亡.”然而并没有提到确定的病原体(一种HIB,肺炎或者脑膜炎球菌病毒)是这些受到”评估的” 脑膜炎的原因,CDC也没有提供材料来证实他们作出这些评估的方法.英国卫生部承认”流脑感染是较少的,在英国每年每100,000人大约感染5人.”
C型脑膜炎疫苗是设计用来预防C类流脑病原体引起的细菌疾病—所有病例中这种病例在美国只占20%,英国只占40%.这种疫苗不含B类流脑—这种疾病的经常性的原因(图22).也不可能用这种疫苗来预防肺炎球菌,B型haemophilus influenzae或者新出现非典型的细菌引起的疾病.因此,当一个人接种疫苗之后,并且还是感染了细菌性疾病,就很难判断是这种疫苗失效了还是这种病是由这种疫苗引起的,由它种细菌引起的或者由其他完全不同的细菌病原体引起的.

A型肝炎疫苗没有包括在国家疫苗伤害赔偿程序之内.然而,许多与这种疫苗相关的严重的反应事件已经向制造商报告.包括:过敏性反应, Guillaine-Barre综合症,臂丛神经病,横向脊髓炎,脑病,脑膜炎,多形式红斑,以及多发性硬化.此外,由CDC以及FDA操作的疫苗相反事件报告系统(VAERS)接收了大量的与该疫苗相关的”泌尿系统, hematologic以及自体免疫综合症”报告.


严重RSV感染的治疗主要是支持性质的:给氧治疗,水合治疗,以及营养治疗.疫苗还不存在.研究人员已经被组织体的易变性所难住,并且”早期的一些尝试[发明疫苗]实际上使得并发感染更加糟糕.”然而,FDA批准了两种”预防媒介”.1996年, Respigam(从人类血浆中制造的一种免疫球蛋白)开始应用了.1998年, Synagis(一种在人类以及老鼠基因中产生的”单克隆抗体”)进入了市场.
结论:1956年,RSV在黑猩猩身上发现了.根据研究过超过30,000页跟疫苗接种有关的医学论文的Viera Scheibner博士的说法,RSV病毒”造成了脊髓灰质炎疫苗的主要的污染物,并且很快就在儿童身体中检测了出来.”它们在接种了脊髓灰质炎的婴儿中引起了严重的类感冒症状.1961年,美国医学联合会期刊公布了两个研究结果,证实了RSV以及”相对严重的下呼吸道疾病”之间的因果关系.在57%的有细支气管炎以及肺炎的婴儿中, 以及在12%的具有温和发烧呼吸道疾病的婴儿中,发现了这种病毒.受到感染的婴儿一直可以病三到五个月.RSV还被发现可以传染,并且不久就会传染给成人,并且在成人身上会跟普通感冒联系起来.今天,多数处于RSV严重并发症风险的孩子,包括早产儿或者患慢性肺病,免疫系统疾病,神经肌肉紊乱,先天性心脏病以及其他生下来就有的疾病的婴儿.
在RSV为期五个月(通常是从11月到4月)的系列接种开始以及进行期间, Synagis是作为其中一种给用的.它非常昂贵;每一次注射也许值900美圆甚至更多.曾有报道说一位母亲被收费了7,000美圆接种第一剂,接下来的每一剂要2600美圆一剂.她的保险费都不足以支付了.
在一次可控的临床研究中, Synagis被发现增加了得耳中膜炎,鼻炎,咽炎,皮疹,疼痛,以及疝气的可能性.其他在接种了这种”预防性”生物学产品的报告的有害事件有:发烧,咳嗽,喷嚏,细支气管炎,肺炎,支气管炎,哮喘,义膜性喉炎,呼吸困难,窦炎,呼吸暂停,腹泻,呕吐,肝脏功能异常,滤过性病毒感染,真菌皮炎,湿疹, seborrhea,结膜炎,贫血症,流感综合症,以及发育不良.
三思全球疫苗研究所 www.thinktwice.com

[ Last edited by 寻找中医 on 2006/10/5 at 08:36 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006/10/4 22:20:04 | 显示全部楼层


This book came about as a result of my search to find the truth about vaccines. When my son was born, the matter became important to me. I began by gathering stacks of information from local, state, college, and medical libraries. Much of this information was taken directly from scientific journals. One by one I studied each “mandatory” vaccine. What were the symptoms of the disease it was meant to protect against? If the disease were contracted, how dangerous could it be? I also looked for 1) solid proof that the vaccine was responsible for a general decline in the incidence of the disease, 2) evidence that the vaccine is effective(Does it offer true immunity?), and 3) side effects and safety.
本书来源于本人研究疫苗真相的发现。在我的儿子刚出生的时候,这个事情就变得尤为重要了。我开始从地方、州、大学和医学图书馆收集大量资料。这些资料中的很大一部分来自于科学刊物。我挨个研究了每个强制性疫苗。疫苗是用来预防疾病的什么症状?如果感染了该病,那么会有多危险?我也寻找了 1)疫苗是疾病影响范围全面减少的确切证据2) 疫苗有效的证据(它能有真正的免疫能力吗?),3)副作用和安全性。
Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Many of the vaccines could not show that they were responsible for a decline in the incidence of the disease. Some of the graphs in this book portray this fact by showing how many of these diseases were declining in number and severity on their own, before the vaccines were introduced. Many of the vaccines also failed to show evidence of their ability to confer immunity. In fact, some studies show that the disease is more likely to be contracted by those who are vaccinated against it than by those who are left alone. Finally, many of the vaccines are unsafe. Thousands of children have been damaged by them. Seizures, retardation and death are only a few of the many potential “side effects.”
In spite of these findings, I was even more shocked to learn that many powerful individuals within the organized medical profession—the Medical-Industrial Complex—including influential members of the World Health Organization(WHO), the American Medical Association(AMA), the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), major medical journals, hospitals, health professors, scientists, coroners, and the vaccine manufacturers, are aware of much of this information as well, but appear to have an implicit agreement to obscure the facts, minimize the truth, and deceive the public. For years—ever since the early part of this century when the organized medical profession was granted a legal monopoly on health care—it has stifled dissenting individuals within and outside of the profession from making their warnings known. But doctors are merely human; their united front is only a stoic facade that hides their many differences and concerns. For example, some doctors do warn parents about the potential dangers associated with vaccines. A few even require parents to sign a form absolving the doctor from liability if the child is damaged from the shots. Medical experts who refuse to inoculate their own children are also making a powerful statement, as are the medical policymakers who cower to business concerns, or who elect to disregard pertinent data, especially when a whole nation is willing to trust their partial conclusions while placing innocent children into their care.
On the other hand, few parents are prepared to arrive at their own conclusions regarding the vaccine decision. They tenaciously, almost religiously, trust their doctors and pediatricians. They are afraid to ask questions, or to even consider all of their options. Many parents are simply unwilling to take responsibility for health-related decisions. But parents are ultimately responsible for their own health and the health of their children.
I wrote this book so that parents, like yourself, may make more informed decisions regarding vaccines. I do not advocate them, nor do I presume to know what is best for you and your family. I merely try to present the facts in a clear and straightforward manner. Therefore, if after reading this book you still have questions and concerns, I suggest that you study the references in the back of this book, as well as any other pertinent information you can find. In fact, I recommend that you continue with your search for the truth for as long as it takes to arrive at a proper solution to the vaccine dilemma.

Neil Z. Miller
Medical Research Journalist

Childhood vaccines

Vaccines are injections that contain weakened amounts of the disease germ that they are meant to protect against. They are said to work by simulating the body to produce antibodies—proteins that defend the body from an invasion by harmful germs. The term “vaccine” is derived from “vacca”, the Latin word for cow. This is because the material in cowpox (a disease affecting the udders of cows), was injected into people to protect them against an attack of smallpox.
The idea of vaccinations to prevent disease dates back to 1796. In that year Edward Jenner, a British physician, believed that dairymaids who had caught cowpox (a minor disease), could not catch smallpox (a fatal disease). Jenner then took diseased matter from the hand of Sarah Nelmes, a local dairymaid who had become infected with cowpox, and inserted this matter into the cut arm of James Phipps, a healthy eight-year-old boy. The boy then caught cowpox. Forty-eight days later Jenner inserted smallpox matter into the boy. It had no effect. This was the first recorded vaccination.
接种疫苗预防疾病的想法从1796年开始就有了。这年英国的一个内科医生Edward Jenner相信得了牛痘(一种不严重的疾病)的乳牛场女工不会得天花(一种致命的疾病)。那时Jenner从当地的一个已经感染过牛痘的乳牛场女工的手上取出了一些患病物质,并将这些物质注入一个叫James Phipps的八岁健康男孩的割破的手臂里。于是这个男孩也得了牛痘。48天后,Jenner将含有天花病毒的物质注入这个男孩身上。天花病毒就不起作用了。这是首次有记录的疫苗接种。
Today, several vaccines exist. They are prevalent—even mandatory—in many countries. Most people trust them to be safe and effective. However, findings on several of the more commonly administered vaccines do not support this conclusion.


is a contagious disease caused by an intestinal virus that may attack nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, and vomiting. Some victims develop neurological complications, including stiffness of the neck and back, weak muscles, pain in the joints, and paralysis of one or more limbs or respiratory muscles. In severe cases it may be fatal, due to respiratory paralysis.
Treatment consists of putting the patient to bed and allowing the affected limbs to be completely relaxed. If breathing is affected, a respirator may be used. Physical therapy may be required.
In 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk, an American physician and scientist, developed a killed-virus (inactivated) vaccine against polio. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Albert Sabin, also an American physician and scientist, developed a live-virus (oral) vaccine against polio. Both vaccines are said to be safe and effective at preventing the disease.
1955年,美国的一位内科医生以及科学家Jonas Salk博士改良出了灭活疫苗来对付polio.从那以后很快, Albert Sabin博士(也是美国的一位内科医生以及科学家)又改良成功了一种活性的口服菌苗.两种疫苗据说在预防疾病方面都是安全有效的.

Findings: Many people mistakenly believe that anyone who contracts polio will become paralyzed or die. However, in most infections caused by polio there are few distinctive symptoms. In fact, 95 percent of everyone who is exposed to the natural polio virus won’t exhibit any symptoms, even under epidemic conditions. About five percent of infected people will experience mild symptoms, such as a sore throat, stiff neck, headache, and fever—often diagnosed as a cold or flu. Muscular paralysis has been estimated to occur in about one of every 1,000 people who contract the disease. This has leaded some scientific researchers to conclude that the small percentage of people who do develop paralytic polio may be anatomically susceptible to the disease. The vast remainder of the population may be naturally immune to the polio germ.
结论: 许多人错误地相信任何感染了脊髓灰质炎的人都会瘫痪或者死亡.然而,多数感染的情况症状几乎都差不多.事实上,接触自然条件下接触polio病毒的95%的人都不会表现任何症状,甚至在疾病流行的时候也不会.大约5%的人受到感染并会经历轻微的症状,诸如喉咙痛,颈部发硬,头痛以及发烧,很多时候都被当作感冒或者流感了.肌肉麻痹的情况据估计只会发生在感染了该疾病的大约1/1000的人中出现.这种情况让一些科学研究者得出了这一结论:少部分变成脊髓灰质炎的人从解剖的角度来说可能更易致病.绝大部分其他人也许对这种病菌自然就有了免疫力.
Several studies have shown that injections increase susceptibility to polio. In fact, researchers have known since the early 1900s that paralytic polio often started at the site of an injection. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic polio skyrocketed (Figure 1). This was documented in Lancet and other medical publications. For example, in 1995 the New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that children who received a single injection within one month after receiving a polio vaccine were eight times more likely to contract polio than children who received no injections.

Several studies show that injections increase susceptibility to polio. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed. This chart shows the average number of polio cases per 100,000 people during five year periods before and after the vaccines were introduced. Source : National Morbidity Reports taken from U.S. Public Health surveillance reports; Lancet (April 18, 1950), pp.659-63.

Polio is virtually nonexistent in the United States today. However, according to Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, medical investigator and pediatrician, there is no credible scientific evidence that the vaccine caused polio to disappear. From 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47 percent and 55 percent, respectively (Figure 2). Statistics show a similar decline in other European countries as well. And when the vaccine did become available, many European countries questioned its effectiveness and refused to systematically inoculate their citizens. Yet, polio epidemics also ended in these countries.
今天脊髓灰质炎事实上在美国已经不存在.然而,根据Robert Mendelsohn博士(医学调查人以及儿科医生)的说法,没有确切的科学证据证明脊髓灰质炎的消失是因为疫苗的作用.从1923年到1953年,在Salk的灭活疫苗临床应用之前,在美国和英格兰的脊髓灰质炎的死亡率就已经自己分别下降了47和55个百分点(图2).统计数据也说明了其他欧洲国家的同样的下降情况.并且在疫苗真的投入使用的时候,许多欧洲国家质疑了它的有效性,并且拒绝系统地为他们的公民接种.然而,脊髓灰质炎也没见在这些国家流行.

From 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47 percent and 55 percent, respectively. Source: International Mortality Statistics (1981) by Michael Alderson.

The number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed-virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations, and may have more than doubled in the U.S. as a whole. For example, Vermont reported 15 cases of polio during the one-year report period ending August 30, 1954(before mass inoculations), compared to 55 cases of polio during the one –year period ending August 30, 1955 (after mass inoculations)—a 266% increase. Rhode Island reported 22 cases during the before inoculations period as compared to 122 cases during the after inoculations period—a 454% increase. In New Hampshire the figures were 38-129; in Connecticut they were 144-276; and in Massachusetts they were 273-2027—a whopping 642% increase (Figure 3).
在大规模接种灭活疫苗之后,脊髓灰质炎病例报导的数量大大超出没有大规模注射以前,也许在美国翻了个倍.例如,Vermont在1954年8月30日结束的为期一年的报导中,报告了15例脊髓灰质炎(在大规模接种之前), 而在1955年8月30日结束的为期一年报导中报导了55例(在大规模接种之后),增长了266%. Rhode Island在接种时期之前以及之后分别报导了22例以及122例,增长了454%.在新汉普郡(英国南部之一郡),数字分别是38和129;在(美国)康涅狄格数字分别是144和276;在马萨诸塞州分别是273和2027—巨增了642%(图3).

When national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1950s, the number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed-virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations, and may have more than doubled in the U.S. as a whole. Source: U.S. government statistics.

Doctors and scientists on the staff of the National Institutes of Health during the 1950s were well aware that the Salk vaccine was causing polio. Some frankly stated that it was “worthless as a preventive and dangerous to take.” They refused to vaccinate their own children. Health departments banned the inoculations. The Idaho State Health Director angrily declared:” I hold the Salk vaccine and its manufacturers responsible” for a polio outbreak that killed several Idahoans and hospitalized dozens more. Even Salk himself was quoted as saying:” When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep well for two or three weeks.” But the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, and drug companies with large investments in the vaccine coerced the U.S. Public Health Service into falsely proclaiming the vaccine was safe and effective.
1950年代,国立健康研究所的医生和科学家当时就充分意识到了Salk疫苗在引起脊髓灰质炎.有些坦白表明了该疫苗”预防上毫无益处并且接种后会发生危险”.他们拒绝给他们自己的小孩接种.卫生部门禁止了疫苗接种. 爱达荷州(美国州名)卫生部长愤怒地宣称:”我要Salk疫苗和它的制造厂商对于脊髓灰质炎的爆发,并害死了几个爱达荷州人以及导致了许多爱达荷州人负责.”甚至引用Salk自己的话来说:”在你给孩子接种了脊髓灰质炎疫苗之后2到3星期,你都不要想睡好觉.”但是国家脊髓灰质炎基金以及投了巨大资金在疫苗上的医药公司强迫美国公共卫生服务机构错误地宣布疫苗是有效并且安全的.
The standards for defining polio were changed when the live-virus polio vaccine was introduced. The new definition of a “polio epidemic” required more cases to be reported. Paralytic polio was redefined as well, making it more difficult to confirm and tally cases. Prior to the introduction of the vaccine the patient only had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and tests to determine residual (prolonged) paralysis were not required.
The new definition required the patient to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days, and residual paralysis had to be confirmed twice during the course of the disease. Also, after the vaccine was introduced cases of aseptic meningitis (an infectious disease that is difficult to distinguish from polio) and coxsackie virus infections were reported as separate diseases from polio. But such cases were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. Its reported effectiveness was therefore skewed (Figures 4 and 5). (The practice of redefining a disease when it supports official immunization goals—despite the questionable ethics—was a common tactic with smallpox as well. For example, in Great Britain the Ministry of health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis. In other words, if a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different name.)

Cases of polio were more often reported as aseptic meningitis after the vaccine was introduced, skewing efficacy rates. Source: Morbidiy and Mortality. Reportable Diseases: The Los Angeles County Health Index.

In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the United States from the early 1960s to 2000) was the “principal if not sole cause” of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961. (The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus, vaccine recipients are at risk, and can potentially spread the disease, as long as fecal excretion of the virus continues.) In 1992, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an admission that the live-virus vaccine had become the dominant cause of polio in the United States. In fact, according to CDC figures, every case of polio in the U.S. since 1979 was caused by the oral polio vaccine. Authorities claim the vaccine was responsible for about eight cases of polio every year. However, an independent study that analyzed the government’s own vaccine database during a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse events following use of the oral polio vaccine. These reports included 6,364 emergency room visits and 540 deaths. Public outrage at these tragedies became the impetus for removing the oral polio vaccine from immunization schedules.
1976年,Jonas Salk博士(1950年代临床使用的灭活疫苗发明者)证实了灭活疫苗(从1960年代到2000年专门在美国使用)”即使不是唯一的,也是主要的”自1961年以来美国报道的所有脊髓灰质炎病例的原因.(这种病毒可以存在喉咙中1到2星期,也可存在于粪便中长达2个月.因此,接种的人具有传染的危险性,并具有潜在传播该疾病的可能性,因为该病毒在排泄物中能够继续存活.)在1992年,联邦疾控中心公开承认活性疫苗已成为了美国发生脊髓灰质炎的主要原因.实际上,根据疾控中心的数据,自从1979年以来的每例脊髓灰质炎都是由口服脊髓灰质炎菌苗引起的.权威机构声称每年大约有8例脊髓灰质炎病例是由疫苗引起的.然而, 在分析了政府自己最近5年内的疫苗数据库之后,一个独立的调查发现了13,641个使用口服脊髓灰质炎菌苗之后的相反的事件报告.这些报告包括6,364例送抢救室的病例以及540例死亡病例.公众对于这些惨剧的愤怒成为了将口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗从免疫计划排除的推动力.
Fact sheets on polio, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, warn parents that the inactivated polio vaccine(IPV)can cause “serious problems or even death…” The vaccine maker warns that Guillain-Barre syndrome, a debilitating ailment characterized by muscular incapacitation and nervous system damage, “has been temporally related to administration of another inactivated poliovirus vaccine.” And although this company makes the claim that “no causal relationship has been established,” it also admits that “deaths have occurred” after vaccination of infants with IPV. Yet, like the days of old, despite these “danger alerts,” medical authorities continue to assure parents that the currently available inactivated polio vaccine is both safe and effective.
Polio Vaccines and Cancer: In 1959, Bernice Eddy discovered that polio vaccines being administrated throughout the world contained an infectious agent capable of causing cancer. In 1960, Drs. Ben Sweet and M.R. Hilleman, of the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, were credited with discovering this infectious agent—SV-40, a simian virus that infected nearly all of the monkeys whose kidneys were used to produce polio vaccines. Hilleman and Sweet found SV-40 in all three types of Albert Sabin’s live oral polio vaccine, and noted the possibility that it might cause cancer, “especially when administered to human babies.”
脊髓灰质炎与癌症: 1959年, Bernice Eddy发现全世界范围内使用的脊髓灰质炎疫苗含有一种能够引起癌症的传染媒.1960年, Merck研究所从事治疗研究的Drs. Ben Sweet和M.R. Hilleman发现并确信了这种传染媒—SV-40—这是一种能够感染所有的猴类的猿类病毒,而脊髓灰质炎疫苗就是用这些猴类的肾脏来产生的. Hilleman和Sweet在所有三种Albert Sabin的活性口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗中都发现了SV-40,”尤其在使用到人类婴儿身上的时候.”
Further research into SV-40 uncovered even more disturbing information. This cancer-causing virus was not only ingested via Sabin’s contaminated oral sugar-cube vaccine, but was directly injected into people’s bloodstreams as well. Apparently, SV-40 survived the formaldehyde Salk used to kill microbes that defiled his injectable vaccine. Experts estimate that between 1954 and 1963, 30 million to 100 million Americans and perhaps another 100 million or more people throughout the world were exposed to SV-40 through ill-conceived polio eradication campaigns (Figure 6).
对于SV-40进一步的研究发现了更加使人不安的信息.这种致癌病毒不仅通过Sabin 的受污染方糖疫苗口服剂进入人体,还直接通过注射进入人们的血液中.很明显,SV-40在Salk用来杀死微生物的甲醛中能够存活并且污染了这种注射疫苗.专家估计在1954年和1963年间,三千万到一亿的美国人以及大概一千万或者更多的全世界其他地方的人们在虚妄的消灭脊髓灰质炎运动中感染了SV-40(图6).

  Studies in eminent journals throughout the world appear to confirm that SV-40 is a catalyst for many types of cancer. It has been found in brain tumors and leukemia. In 1996, Michele Carbone, a molecular pathologist at Chicago’s Loyola University Medical Center, was able to detect SV-40 in 38 percent of patients with bone cancer and in 58 percent of those with mesothelioma, a deadly type of lung cancer. Carbone’s research indicates that SV-40 blocks an important protein that normally protects cells from becoming malignant. In 1998, a national cancer database was analyzed: 17 percent more bone cancers, 20 percent more brain cancers, and 178 percent more mesotheliomas were found in people who were exposed to SV-40-tainted polio vaccines.
世界著名期刊发表了许多研究结果发现SV-40是多种癌症的催化剂.在脑瘤以及白血病中都发现了SV-40.1996年, Michele Carbone—芝加哥Loyola大学医学中心的分子病理学家—可以在38%的骨癌以及58%的间皮瘤(一种致命的肺癌)中检测到SV-40. Carbone的研究表明SV-40阻碍了一种通常情况下能够保护细胞发生恶性变化的蛋白质的形成.1998年,国家癌症数据库分析表明:在接种了受SV-40感染的脊髓灰质炎人群中,17%强的人得了骨癌,20%强的人得了脑癌以及178%(?)强的人得了间皮瘤.
Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this ongoing simian virus debacle can be found in other studies suggesting that SV-40, introduced to humans through the polio vaccine, can be passed from human to human and from mother to child. A study of nearly 59,000 women found that children of mothers who received the Salk vaccine between 1959 and 1965 had brain tumors at a rate 13 times greater than mothers who did not receive those polio shots.
也许这一点更令人担忧: 在其他的研究中发现,通过脊髓灰质炎疫苗引入人类的SV-40,可以在人与人之间以及母亲与孩子之间传染而, 这会导致该正在流行的猿类病毒大规模爆发.对于59,000名妇女的研究发现,在1959年到1965年内接种过Salk疫苗的母亲的孩子患脑癌的可能性是没有接种过这些注射疫苗的13倍.
Another study published in the U.S. medical journal Cancer Research found SV-40 present in 23 percent of blood samples and 45 percent of semen taken from healthy subjects. Apparently, the virus is being spread sexually and from mother to child in the womb. According to biology and genetics professor Mauro Tognon, one of the study’s authors, this would explain why brain, bone, and lung cancers are on the rise—a 30 percent increase in U.S. brain tumors alone over the past 25 years—and why SV-40 was detected in brain tumors of children born after 1965 who presumably did not receive polio vaccines containing the virus.
另一个在美国医学期刊<癌症研究>中发表的研究表明,SV-40存在于健康试验对象的23%的血液样本和45%的精液样本.很明显,该病毒正在通过性传播以及通过子宫在母子之间传播.据生物和遗传学教授Mauro Tognon (其中一个研究结论的作者)说,这可以说明为什么在过去25年内,脑癌,骨癌以及肺癌在美国为什么不断增长,并且光脑瘤就增长了30%.也说明了为什么SV-40在1965年后出生,并据推断没有接种过脊髓灰质炎疫苗的小孩中也能检测到.该病毒.
Despite official denials of any correlation between polio vaccines, SV-40 and increased cancer rates, by April 2001, 62 papers from 30 laboratories around the world had reported SV-40 in human tissues and tumors. The virus was also discovered in pituitary and thyroid tumors, and in patients with kidney disease.
不论官方如何否认脊髓灰质炎疫苗, SV-40以及日益增长的癌症发病率之间的任何关联,截止2001年4月,全世界30个实验室的62篇论文都报告了人身组织以及肿瘤中间的SV-40. 该病毒也在脑垂体肿瘤,甲状腺肿瘤以及患有肾脏疾病的病人中发现.
Polio Vaccines and AIDS: SV-40, the cancer-causing monkey virus found in polio vaccines and administered to millions of unsuspecting people throughout the world, was just one of numerous simian viruses known to have contaminated polio vaccines. “As monkey kidney culture is host to innumerable simian viruses, the number found varying in relation to the amount of work expended to find them, the problem presented to the manufacturer is considerable, if not insuperable,” one early vaccine researcher wrote to a congressional panel studying the safety of growing live polio-virus vaccine in monkey kidneys. “As our technical methods improve we may find fewer and fewer lots of vaccine which can be called free from simian virus.”
Polio疫苗和爱滋病:SV-40病毒只是为数众多的污染了polio疫苗的猿类病毒中的一种(SV-40是在polio疫苗中发现的能够引发癌症的猴类病毒, 该病毒已经用在全世界数百万毫无戒备心的人们身上).”由于猴子的肾作为培养基是无数猿类病毒的宿主,这些病毒发现的数目多少有赖于寻找这些病毒的工作的进一步开展,制造商面临的这个难题即使不是不可克服的,也是相当困难的.”有一位早期的疫苗研究者写信给了国会陪审团—陪审团在研究含有越来越多的病毒的猴肾培养的活性polio疫苗.”随着我们检测技术手段的提高,我们也许会发现在我们所有的大量疫苗中,不含有猿类病毒的疫苗越来越少.”
According to Harvard Medical School professor Ronald Desrosier, the practice of growing polio vaccines in monkey kidneys is “a ticking time bomb.” Evidently, some viruses can live inside monkeys without causing harm. But if these viruses were to somehow cross species and enter the human population, new diseases could occur. Desrosier continued:” The danger in using monkey tissue to produce human vaccines is that some viruses produced by monkeys may be transferred to humans in the vaccine, with very bad health consequences.” Desrosier also warned that testing can only be done for known viruses, and that our knowledge is limited to about “two percent of existing monkey viruses.”
据Ronald Desrosier(哈佛医学元教授)说,猴肾中培养的越来越多的polio疫苗的应用是一个”定时炸弹”.很显然有些存在于猴身上的病毒对猴子不会造成伤害.但是如果这些病毒由于其他各种原因在物种之间传播并且进入人群,新的疾病就会发生. Desrosier继续说:”使用猴类身体组织来生产人类疫苗的危险性在于,一些猴类中产生的病毒也许会通过疫苗传播到人类中间,从而产生很严重的健康问题.” Desrosier还警告说,我们只能够检测出已知的病毒,由于我们的知识所限,还有大约”2%存在的猴类病毒”我们不知道.
Virus detection techniques were crude and unreliable during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s when polio vaccines were initially produced and dispensed. It wasn’t until the mid 1980s that new and more sophisticated testing procedures were developed. That was when researchers discovered that about 50 percent of all African green monkeys—the primate of choice for making polio vaccines—were infected with simian immunodeficiency virus(SIV), a virus closely related to human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), the infectious agent thought to precede AIDS. This caused some researchers to wonder whether HIVs may simply be SIVs “residing in and adapting to a human host.” It caused others to suspect that SIV may have mutated into HIV once it was introduced into the human population by way of contaminated polio vaccines. In fact, according to Robert Gallo, an expert on the AIDS virus, some versions of the SIV monkey virus are virtually indistinguishable from some human variants of HIV:” The monkey virus is the human virus. There are monkey viruses as close to isolates of HIV-2 as HIV-2 isolates are to each other.”
在1950年代,1960年代以及1970年代,病毒检测技术还相当粗糙不可靠,那时polio疫苗就开始生产并且临床应用了.直到1980年代,新的更为先进的检测过程才完善了.那时研究者发现大约50%的非洲绿猴—选择用来制造polio病毒的灵长类动物—感染了猿类免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),这种病毒跟人类的免疫缺陷病毒(HIV,导致AIDS的传染媒)有很大的关系.这一情况引起了一些研究者怀疑HIV病毒也许只不过是”宿于并适应人体宿主”的SIV病毒.这也引起了另一些研究者怀疑一旦SIV通过受到污染的polio疫苗进入人群,也许就已经变种成了HIV.实际上,根据AIDS病毒专家Robert Gallo说,有些形式的SIV猴类病毒在实践上根本无法与一些人类HIV病毒的变种区分.”猴类病毒就是人类病毒.有些猴类病毒跟HIV-2分离菌之间的接近关系与HIV-2分离菌之间的接近关系一般无二.”
Today’s Vaccine: Despite the polio vaccine’s long history of animal-virus contamination, today’s inactivated shot is manufactured in much the same way as earlier versions:” The viruses are grown in cultures of a continuous line of monkey kidney cells…supplemented with newborn calf serum…” The vaccine also contains two antibiotics (neomycin and streptomycin) plus formaldehyde. In Canada, the inactivated polio vaccine is produced in human fetal tissue. In other parts of the world, new highly virulent strains of polio—caused by mutations and “recombinations” within the oral polio vaccine—are inducing unprecedented outbreaks of paralysis and death.


  Tetanus is a non-contagious bacterial disease that causes severe muscular contractions. It is also called lockjaw because some victims are unable to open their mouths or swallow. Other symptoms include depression, headaches, and spasms that interfere with breathing.
Tetanus is caused by toxins produced by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani. The dormant germs (spores) live in soil, dust, and manure. They can enter the body through cuts and puncture wounds, but will only multiply in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment. The incubation period, from the time of the injury until the first symptoms appear, ranges from a few days to three weeks. However, careful attention to wound hygiene will eliminate the possibility of tetanus in most cases. Deep puncture wounds and wounds with a lot of dead tissue should be thoroughly cleaned and not allowed to close until healing has occurred beneath the skin.
Tetanus是由一种叫Clostridium tetani的细菌产生的毒素引起的.这种隐蔽的微生物(孢子)生活在土壤,灰尘以及肥料里.他们能够通过割开的以及刺破的伤口进入人体,但是只能够在无氧环境下繁殖.潜伏期从几天到三周不等(潜伏期为出现伤口到第一次症状的出现为止).然而,在多数情况下,很好地注意了伤口的卫生就会消除发生tetanus的可能.刺得很深的伤口以及有很多死组织的伤口需要彻底清洁,并且直到皮下组织开始愈合的时候才能缝合伤口.
A tetanus toxoid vaccine became available in 1933. A tetanus immune globulin (TIG) injection—an antitoxin—is also available.
This shot may be administered to persons with low tetanus antibody levels (including unvaccinated individuals) shortly after a serious wound occurs. This injection introduces tetanus-fighting antibodies directly into the body. The antibody levels achieved with TIG are often adequate to defend against the disease.
Findings: During the mid-1800s, there were 205 cases of tetanus per 100,000 wounds among U.S. military personnel. By the early 1900s, this rate had declined to 16 cases per 100,000 wounds—a 92 percent reduction. During the mid-1940s, the incidence of tetanus dropped even further to .44 cases per 100,000 wounds. Some researchers attribute this decline to an increased attention to wound hygiene.
Today, authorities claim that tetanus infects about 500,000 people each year worldwide, primarily in developing countries. However, in the United States, from 1990 to 1999 (a 10-year period), there were a total of 473 cases of tetanus—an average of 47 cases per year. Of these, 70 died—about seven people per year. The case-fatality rate was 15 percent (Figure7). In Australia, there are about 10 cases of tetanus per year with a case-fatality rate of 10 percent. In Canada, there have been about five cases of tetanus annually in recent years, with no deaths recorded since 1991.

During the 1970s and 1980s, approximately 70 percent of all cases of tetanus in the United States, and 80 percent of all cases in Australia, occurred in adults over the age of 50 years. About 95 percent of all tetanus fatalities occurred in this age group. Only five percent of tetanus cases in the U.S. were in persons less than 20 years of age, and these were rarely fatal.
在1970年代和1980年代期间, 在所有tetanus病例中美国大约有70%,澳大利亚有80%发生在超过50岁的成人中.所有致死的tetanus中大约95%发生在这个年龄的人群中.在美国只有5%的tetanus病例发生在小于20岁的人中,并且很少死亡.
During the 1990s, the percentage of cases among persons aged 25-59 years increased. For example, in 1999 there were 40 cases of tetanus. Five cases (12.5 percent) were in persons older than 59 years; 22 cases (55 percent) were among persons aged 25-59 years. Seven of the 22 cases in this age group occurred in intravenous drug users; two of these cases were fatal.
Numerous studies and case reports have linked the tetanus vaccine to severe and even fatal reactions, including neurological and paralytic disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), demyelinating diseases, arthritis, joint inflammation, anaphylactic shock, and other life-threatening allergic reactions.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that tetanus booster vaccinations cause T-lymphocyte blood count ratios to drop below normal. The greatest decrease occurred up to two weeks later. The authors of the study noted that these altered ratios are similar to those found in victims of HIV/AIDS. Even a brief suppression of normal T-lymphocyte ratios is undesirable, and may be the underlying cause of at least one immunological disorder found in infants.
In 1994, The U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) corroborated a causal relationship between tetanus toxoid, brachial neuritis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. The IOM also reported on several cases of anaphylactic reactions—severe, life-threatening allergic responses resulting in swelling of the mouth, inability to breathe, shock, collapse, or death—within four hours of tetanus vaccine injections.
In 1997, Epidemiology published a study comparing asthma and allergy rates in unvaccinated children versus children who received a vaccine containing tetanus. None of the unvaccinated children had recorded asthma episodes or consultations for asthma or other allergic illnesses before age 10 years. In the vaccinated children, 23 percent had asthma episodes and asthma consultations, while 30 percent had consultations for other allergic illnesses. Similar differences were observed at 5 and 16 years of age.
In 2000, a new study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics confirmed earlier findings that children who receive DPT or tetanus vaccines are significantly more likely to develop a “history of asthma” or other “allergy-related respiratory symptoms” than those who remain unvaccinated. The study was conducted from 1988 to 1994 and included data from nearly 14,000 infants, children, and adolescents, aged two months to 16 years. A children who received the DPT or tetanus vaccination was 50 percent more likely to experience severe allergic reactions 80 percent more likely to experience sinusitis, and twice as likely to develop asthma. In fact, the authors of the study calculated that “Fifty percent of diagnosed asthma cases (2.93 million) in U.S. children and adolescents would be prevented if the DPT or tetanus vaccination was not administered. Similarly, 45 percent of sinusitis cases (4.94 million) and 54 percent of allergy-related episodes of nose and eye symptoms (10.54 million) in a 12-month period would be prevented after discontinuation of the vaccine.”
2000年,<行为和生理疗法期刊>的最新研究成果证实早期的一些发现—接种了DPT或者tetanus疫苗的小孩比起那些没有接种过的小孩更加容易有”哮喘史”或者其他”呼吸过敏性反应”.该研究从1988年到1994年间进行,包括了近14,000个婴儿,小孩以及青少年,年龄跨度从2个月到16岁.一个接种了DPT或者tetanus的小孩多出50%的可能经历严重的过敏反应,多出80%可能经历窦炎,多出两倍的可能性得哮喘.实际上,从事该研究的人员计算出” 如果不接种DPT或者tetanus疫苗的话,在美国诊断出来的小孩以及青少年的哮喘中(2.93百万)50%可以预防.同样地,在为期12个月内的45%的窦炎病例(4.94百万)以及54%的与鼻子和眼睛综合症相关的敏感事件(10.54百万)在不使用疫苗之后将会停止发生.”


Measles is a contagious disease caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system, skin, and eyes. Symptoms include a high fever, cough, runny nose, sore, red and sensitive eyes. Small pink spots with gray-white centers develop inside the mouth. Itchy pink spots break out on the face and spread over the body. Symptoms usually disappear after one to two weeks. Treatment mainly consists of allowing the disease to run its course.
Prior to the 1960s, most children in the United States and Canada caught measles. Complications from the disease were unlikely. Previously healthy children usually recovered without incident. However, measles can be dangerous in populations newly exposed to the virus, and in malnourished children living in undeveloped countries. In advanced countries, measles can be severe when it infects people living in impoverished communities with poor nutrition, sanitation, and inadequate health care. Complications are also more likely when the disease strikes infants, adults, and anyone with a compromised immune system. (Several studies show that when patients with measles are given vitamin A supplements, their complication rates and chances of dying are significantly reduced.)
Doctors and other health authorities often try to frighten parents by exaggerating the risks. For example, vaccine pamphlets published by the CDC claim that 1 out of every 1000 children who contract measles will get encephalitis, an infection of the brain. However, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and vaccine researcher, had this to say:” The incidence of 1/1000 may be accurate for children who live in conditions of poverty and malnutrition” but for just about everyone else “the incidence of true encephalitis is probably more like 1/10,000 or 1/100,000.” Furthermore, about 75 percent of these cases will not show evidence of brain damage.
医生以及其他健康专家经常通过夸大风险的方法来吓唬家长.例如,CDC发布的疫苗手册宣称每1000个感染了麻疹的儿童中就有一个会得脑炎(一种脑部感染).然而, Robert Mendelsohn博士(著名的儿科医生以及疫苗研究者)说:”1/1000的发生率对于住在贫穷和缺乏营养条件下的儿童来说是准确的.”但是对于其他每个人来说,”真正脑炎的脑炎发生率更可能是1/10,000或者1/100,000.”更何况,75%的这些病例也不会有脑子损坏的迹象.
Before the 1960s, most children in the U.S. caught measles. In 1963, a team of scientists, headed by American researcher John Enders, created a measles vaccine. Mass inoculations soon followed.
在1960年代之前,绝大多数在美国的儿童得过麻疹.1963年,一个由美国研究员John Enders领导的科学家团队发明了一种麻疹疫苗.大量的注射接种不久就开始了.
Findings: A significant decline in measles began long before the vaccine was introduced. From 1958 to 1962, the number of cases toppled by 38 percent. The death rate tumbled on its own even more. In 1900, there were 13.3 measles deaths in the United States per 100,000 population. By 1955, eight years before the first measles shot, the death rate had declined on its own by 97.7 percent to .03 deaths per 100,000. Figures published in International Mortality Statistics confirm this reduction: from 1915 to 1958, the measles death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98 percent (Figure 8).

The measles vaccine does not confer permanent immunity. Epidemics regularly occur in vaccinated populations. Dr. William Atkinson, senior epidemiologist with the CDC, admitted that “measles transmission has been clearly documented among vaccinated persons. In some large outbreaks…over 95 percent of cases have a history of vaccination.” In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances are about 15 times greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated against the disease than by those who are left alone.
麻疹疫苗没有提供永久的免疫性.在接种的人口中传染病还是有规律地发生. CDC的高级流行病学家William Atkinson博士承认”接种人群中的麻疹传播已经清楚地记载下来.在一些大爆发中…超过95%的病例都有过疫苗接种史.”实际上,根据世界卫生组织的说法,那些接种过抗麻疹病疫苗的人得麻疹得几率比没有接种的高15倍.
The medical literature is replete with documented vaccine failures. For example, In 1988, 69 percent of all school-aged children in the U.S. who contracted measles were vaccinated. In 1989, 89 percent of all school-aged measles victims in the U.S. had been vaccinated. In 1995, 56 percent of all measles cases in the U.S. occurred in people who were previously vaccinated (Figure 9).

In 1996, this pattern persisted: measles outbreaks occurred primarily among children who had prior vaccinations. And in 1999, the CDC continued to document numerous cases of measles in previously vaccinated individuals.
The measles vaccine has a long history of causing serious adverse reactions. The pharmaceutical company responsible for producing the measles vaccine publishes an extensive list of ailments known to have occurred following the shot. Severe afflictions affecting nearly every body system—blood, lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, respiratory, and sensory—have been linked to this “preventive” inoculation. These include: encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, febrile and afebrile convulsions, seizures, ataxia, ocular palsies, anaphylaxis, angioneurotic edema, bronchial spasms, panniculitis, vasculitis, atypical measles, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, pneumonitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, deafness, otitis media, retinitis, optic neuritis, rash, fever, dizziness, headache, and death. A recent study in Lancet found a link between this vaccine and bowel disease. People who received the measles vaccine were 2+1/2 times more likely to develop ulcerative colitis and three times more likely to develop Crohn’s disease when compared to unvaccinated controls (Figure 10).
麻疹疫苗有很长的引起严重逆反应的历史.负责生产麻疹疫苗的医药公司公布了一个广泛的在接种疫苗之后发生的疾病的清单.由于注射了这种”预防性”疫苗,严重的病痛影响了几乎每个身体系统—血液,淋巴,消化,心脏,免疫,神经,呼吸以及感官系统.这些疾病包括:脑炎,亚急性硬化全脑炎,Guillain-barre综合症,发热以及无热的抽搐,惊厥,非典型麻疹,血小板减少,淋巴结病,白细胞增多,肺炎, Stevens-Johnson综合症,红斑,风疹,耳聋,耳炎,视网膜炎,视神经炎,皮疹,发烧,头昏眼花,头痛以及死亡.最近<柳叶刀>的一个研究发现了疫苗和肠子疾病之间的关系.接种了麻疹疫苗的人比起没有接种的人多出二又二分之一倍的得溃疡性结肠炎的可能性,多出三倍的得Crohn病的可能性.

The measles vaccine dramatically altered distribution of the disease by shifting incidence rates from age-groups unlikely to experience problems (children 5 to 9 years old) to age-groups most likely to suffer from severe complications (infants, teenagers, and adults). Before the vaccine was introduced, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. However, by the 1990s more than 25 percent of all measles cases were occurring in babies under a year of age. CDC officials admit this situation is likely to get worse, and attribute it to the growing number of mothers who were vaccinated during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. (When natural immunity is denied, moms can no longer pass protective maternal antibodies to their babies.) In 1999, Pediatrics confirmed that infants of mothers born after 1963 are 7+1/2 times more likely to contract the disease than infants of mothers born earlier.
The risk of measles-related pneumonia and liver abnormalities is greater in adolescent and young adult age-groups. According to a study in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, such complications have increased by as much as 20 percent. The risk of death from measles is also much higher for infants and adults than for children.
麻疹引起的肺炎以及肝功能异常的风险在青少年以及年龄较轻的大人这两种年龄群中较大.根据<传染病期刊>的研究结果,这些综合症已经增长了20%之多.相较于儿童来说, 婴儿以及成人得麻疹的死亡危险更高.
The following excerpt is from a statement made by a mother testifying before Congress (Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment) regarding vaccine injury compensation:
“My name is Wendy Scholl. I reside in the state of Florida with my husband, Gary, and three daughters, Stacy, Holly, and Jackie. Let me stress that all three of our daughters were born healthy, normal babies. I am here to tell of Stacy’s reaction to the measles vaccine…where according to the medical profession, anything within 7 to 10 days after the vaccine to do with neurological sequelae or seizures or brain damage fits a measles reaction…
“我叫Wendy Scholl.我和我丈夫Gary以及三个女儿Stacy, Holly和Jackie住在Florida州.我要强调一下,我们所有三个女儿出生的时候都是健康正常的婴儿.在这里我想讲述一下Stacy对麻疹疫苗的反应…根据医学专业的说法,在接种疫苗7到10天内的任何与神经后遗症或者痉挛或者脑部损伤都是麻疹反应…
“At 16 months old, Stacy received her measles shot. She was a happy, healthy, normal baby, typical, curious, playful until the 10th day after her shot when I walked into her room to find her laying in her crib, flat on her stomach, her head twisted to one side. Her eyes were glassy and affixed.
“在16个月大的时候, Stacy注射了麻疹疫苗.直到她注射后的第10天,她还是一个幸福,健康,正常的婴儿,跟一般婴儿一样好奇,喜欢玩耍.此后在我走进她房间的时候,发现她躺在婴儿床上,胃部伸得很平,头扭到了一边.眼神痴呆.
“She was panting, struggling to breathe. Her small head lay in a pool of blood that hung from her mouth. It was a terrifying sight, yet at that point I didn’t realize that my happy, bouncing baby was never to be the same again.
“When we arrived at the emergency room, Stacy’s temperature was 107 degrees. The first four days of Stacy’s hospital stay she battled for life. She was in a coma and had kidney failure. Her lungs filled with fluid and she had ongoing seizures.
“Her diagnosis was ‘post-vaccinal encephalitis’ and her prognosis was grave. She was paralyzed on her left side, prone to seizures, had visual problems. However, we were told by doctors we were extremely lucky. I didn’t feel lucky.
“We were horrified that this vaccine which was given only to ensure that she would have a safer childhood, almost killed her. I didn’t know that the possibility of this type of reaction even existed. But now, it is our reality.”


Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. The illness begins with a fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. Salivary glands beneath the ears along the jaw line become swollen. In some instances, testicles, ovaries, and female breasts may also swell.
Treatment mainly consists of allowing the disease to run its course. Medical intervention is seldom required. Symptoms usually disappear within a week. The disease confers permanent immunity; the infected person will not contract it again.
Findings: Mumps is a relatively harmless disease when it is experienced in childhood. Complications are uncommon but can be much more severe when they occur in teenagers and adults.
For example, orchitis (inflammation of the testes) occurs in about 20 percent of mumps cases in post-pubescent males. This has caused some authorities to claim mumps will prevent a man from fathering children. However, orchitis usually affects only one testicle; sterility from the ailment is extremely rare.
Mumps has also been associated with transient meningitis, temporary hearing loss, and inflammation of the ovaries. Full recovery without complications usually follows in a few days. Permanent sequelae, including deaths from mumps, are very rare. For example, one mumps-related death was reported in 1991.
During the early 1980s, there were about 4000 cases per year. In 1995, there were less than 1000 documented cases in the U.S. However, artificial immunity conferred by the mumps vaccine does not last. Studies show substantial numbers of cases of mumps among persons previously vaccinated against the disease. For example, in 1987 there was an outbreak of mumps in Minnesota schools; 632 of the 769 cases (82 percent) were in previously vaccinated students. That same year, 119 stockbrokers at the Chicago futures stock exchange contracted mumps “following an intensified push for mumps vaccination.” And in 1991, there was an outbreak of mumps in Tennessee schools; 67 of the 68 cases (99 percent) were in previously vaccinated students.
Prior to the introduction of the mumps vaccine, most children under 10 years of age contracted mumps. However, the mumps vaccine shifted incidence rates from young children to teenagers and adults. Mumps in young children is a mild, benign disease. It is a more serious disease when contracted by older age groups.
From 1967 to 1971, before the mumps vaccine was put into general use, 92 percent of all cases occurred in persons 14 years of age or younger. Just eight percent of cases occurred in teenagers 15 years of age or older. By 1987, several years after the vaccine was being administered on a national scale, 38 percent of all cases were occurring in this older age group.
The drug company that produces the mumps vaccine publishes an extensive list of ailments known to have occurred following the mumps or MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) shot. These include aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, orchitis, diabetes mellitus, parotitis (the technical name for mumps), anaphylaxis, and death.
In 1986, researchers published data on several children who developed diabetes 2 to 4 weeks after mumps vaccination. By 1990, several new cases of diabetes within 30 days following vaccination were reported. In 1991, scientists reported a case of Type-1 diabetes occurring five months following mumps vaccination. That same year, other researchers documented several cases of diabetes and pancreatitis after mumps vaccination. In 1992, 180 European doctors jointly noted that the mumps vaccine “can trigger diabetes, which only becomes apparent months after vaccination.” That same year, the New England Journal of Medicine published data confirming that viruses are capable of triggering diabetes. Today, the U.S. government continues to receive reports of diabetes following receipt of the MMR vaccine.
In 1993, Lancet published data confirming aseptic meningitis as a well-recognized complication of mumps vaccine, with onset typically occurring 15 to 35 days after receiving the shot. That same year, Japan removed the MMR vaccine from the market because it was causing encephalitis in 1 of every 1044 people vaccinated. And in 1994, the U.S. Institute of Medicine acknowledged being able to isolate and identify the mumps vaccine-virus strain from neurologically impaired patients following vaccination. Aseptic meningitis was officially recognized as resulting from the mumps vaccine.


Rubella (or German Measles) is a contagious disease caused by a virus. Symptoms include a slight fever, rash, sore throat and runny nose. Lymph nodes on the back of the head, behind the ears, and on the side of the neck may become tender. In some instances, the joints may become painful and swollen.
Treatment mainly consists allowing the disease to run its course. Medical intervention is seldom required. Symptoms usually disappear within a few days. Most cases confer permanent immunity; rubella rarely infects the same person twice.

Findings: Rubella is essentially a tame disease when contracted by children. The illness is usually so mild it escapes detection or passes for a cold. However, if a pregnant woman develops the disease during the first trimester, her baby may be born with birth defects.
1969, the first live rubella virus vaccine was licensed in the Unites States. Several European countries, Canada, and Japan also introduced rubella vaccines around this time. In 1979, vaccine manufacturers started producing and distributing the Wistar RA27/3 strain of the live rubella virus “adapted to and propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.” In common language, this vaccine originated from cell lines obtained from the tissue of aborted fetuses. This vaccine is still in use today.
1969年,第一个活性风疹病毒疫苗在美国被许可临床应用.大约也是这个时候,几个欧洲国家,加拿大以及日本也应用了风疹疫苗.1979年,疫苗制造商开始生产发布Wistar RA27/3(“适于并繁殖在WI-38人类双倍肺纤维原细胞中”的活性风疹菌株”).一般说来,这种疫苗产自流产胎儿的组织中获得的细胞列中.这种疫苗至今仍在使用.
The drug company that produces the rubella vaccine publishes an extensive list of ailments known to have occurred following the rubella (or MMR) shot. These include arthritis, arthralgia, myalgia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, polyneuritis, polyneuropathy, anaphylaxis, and death. Several studies have documented these and other afflictions following rubella vaccination. For example, separate studies in Lancet and the Journal of Infectious Diseases documented “rubella-associated arthritis” and chronic arthritis in women following their rubella shots. Another study in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that 55 percent of women vaccinated against rubella developed arthritis or joint pain within four weeks (Figure 11).

Several researchers have documented correlations between the rubella vaccine and neurological disorders. Others have found a connection to diabetes. Additional studies have linked the rubella vaccine to Chronic Fatigue syndrome, a debilitating immune system disorder. According to the author of one study, “In countries that routinely immunize children with the new [rubella] vaccine, adults might be persistently reexposed to the more provocative antigens of the new vaccine due to respiratory secretions…” In other words, the rubella virus lingers in recently vaccinated children and can be spread to hypersensitive adults. Reinfection produces multiple viral antibodies resulting in “the characteristic symptoms in adult women who are over-represented in the patient population.” Thus, “the possible role of rubella immunization in the etiology of chronic fatigue syndromes deserves further study.”
The following excerpts typify the adverse possibilities:
“I am a nursing student. Within three weeks of taking the MMR vaccine I began feeling weak, tired, and sluggish. This leads to numbness in both hands and feet. I developed Guillain-Barre syndrome and was hospitalized for two months. I was unable to walk, had difficulty moving my upper extremities, suffered urinary and abdominal problems, partial facial paralysis, and I lost a substantial amount of weight. Previously, I was an active, healthy woman. My doctors do not know how I developed this syndrome.”
“My child caught rubella two weeks after her MMR.”
“After the birth of my daughter, my obstetrician recommended the MMR vaccine since I didn’t have antibodies. A week after the shot, a rash appeared all over my body. Two weeks later, I had severe joint pain which alternated from my knee to ankle to wrist. The joint pain lasted seven days, and then severe fatigue set in. My doctor immediately said this was not related to the vaccine.”
“I am a 57-year-old registered nurse who was, as a condition of employment, required to take an MMR. About 14 days later I developed a rash with lesions in my right eye, fever, and joint pain. My joint pain has not gone away but has become chronic, and sometimes unbearable. I have been put on a variety of drugs, which I have had terrible reactions to, and was even hospitalized for. I have been unable to work. I did file a worker’s compensation claim, which they are trying to deny.”
Prior to the introduction of the rubella vaccine in 1969, thousands of cases of rubella circulated throughout society. Most children contracted the disease and developed permanent protection. As a result, about 85 percent of the adult population was naturally immune. After the vaccine was introduced, researchers began to notice that cases of the disease were occurring in vaccinated populations. In fact, serological surveys have confirmed that about 15 percent of the adult population, including women of childbearing age, are still not protected from the disease—the same percentage as before vaccinations.
From 1966 to 1968, before the rubella vaccine was licensed, 77 percent of all cases occurred in persons 14 years of age or younger. Just 23 percent of all cases occurred in persons 15 years of age or older. By 1990, however, 81 percent of all rubella cases were in the 15-or-older group, with the greatest increases in persons 15 to 29 years old—the prime childbearing years. From 1994 to 1997 this trend continued, with 85 percent of all rubella cases occurring in persons 15 years or older.
在风疹疫苗批准使用之前的1966年到1968年间, 所有病例中的77%发生在14岁年龄或者更小的年龄的人身上.所有病例中只有23%发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上.然而到1990年为止,所有风疹病例中的81%是发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上,15岁到29岁年龄的人中增长最大,这是主要的生育年龄段.从1994年到1997年这种趋势一直继续,所有病例中有85%发生在15岁或者更大的年龄的人身上.
Since 1969, when the rubella vaccine was introduced, the number of rubella cases has steadily declined. For example, in 1970 more than 56,000 cases were recorded in the United States: 3,904 in 1980; 1,125 in 1990; just 152 in 2000. Authorities use this as evidence of the vaccine’s efficacy and benefit to society. However, the vaccine’s capacity to reduce the number of rubella cases is inconsequential if it is unable to protect the unborn child from birth defects. In fact, when the data is analyzed, it becomes clear that just the opposite is true. Misguided vaccine strategies that shifted rubella cases to more risky age groups apparently caused an increase in congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) related birth defects.
In 1966, the year the government began keeping statistics on congenital rubella syndrome, there were 11 cases reported in the United States. In 1967, there were just 10 cases, with 14 more reported the following year. However, in 1969 the rubella vaccine was introduced and the CDC recorded 31 cases of CRS. In 1970, CRS cases skyrocketed to 77—a greater than 600 percent increase over pre-vaccine numbers. In 1971, there were 68 cases. These figures remained high in subsequent years (Figure 12). Adjustments for annual population variances do not alter the results. By 1991, there were just 1,401 cases of rubella, but the CDC recorded 47 cases of CRS. In 1992, rubella cases dropped to 160, and there were just 11 cases of CRS—the exact number recorded by the CDC more than 25 years earlier in 1966 before the vaccine was introduced.

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that one-third of all hospital employees rejected rubella shots; 81 percent of the doctors refused the vaccine, with senior staff physicians having an even lower participation rate. Shortly thereafter, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that 47 percent of all employees at the University of Southern California Medical Center would not comply with a rubella vaccination campaign; 78 percent of the doctors would not consent to the shots, while 91 percent of the obstetricians and gynecologists (who work daily with pregnant women) refused to participate (Figure 13). Such reluctance on the part of physicians prompted Dr. Robert Mendelsohn to pose the following ethical question:” If doctors themselves are afraid of the vaccine, why on earth should the law require that you and other parents allow them to administer it to your kids?”
<新英格兰医学期刊>报告了所有医院雇员的三分之一拒绝注射风疹疫苗;81%的医生拒绝这种疫苗,高级医师接种率甚至更低.从那之后不久,<美国医学协会期刊>报告了47%的Southern California大学医学中心的雇员就不愿意参加疫苗接种运动;78%的医生不同意注射疫苗,甚至91%的产科医生和妇科医生拒绝参与这一运动(图13).由于一部分医生不情愿参与这种运动,促使了Robert Mendelsohn博士提出了下面的伦理问题:”如果医生他们自己都害怕疫苗,究竟为什么法律要你以及其他父母将疫苗用在孩子身上呢?”


Diphtheria is a contagious bacterial disease of the upper respiratory system. It is mainly spread by the coughing and sneezing of infected persons. The first symptoms appear two to five days after infection. They include a sore throat, headache, coughing, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. As the disease progresses, a thick membrane forms on the surface of the tonsils and throat, and may extend into the windpipe and lungs. This membrane may interfere with breathing and swallowing. In severe cases, it can completely block the breathing passages and cause death if not treated. Other complications include inflammation of the heart muscle and respiratory paralysis.
Diphtheria requires medical attention but is treatable with common antibiotics such as penicillin. Heart failure is treated with medication, while a respirator is used to aid in breathing. A diphtheria antitoxin became available in 1895 and is still used today. It can be administered to persons with low diphtheria antibody levels or immediately after being exposed to the disease. A diphtheria vaccine was introduced in the 1920s. Widespread use of this modified toxoid began in the 1940s when it was combined with the tetanus and pertussis vaccines (DPT).

Findings: Diphtheria was a common disease during the late 19th century. For example, from 1891 to 1895, New York averaged 7,200 cases per year. The case-fatality rate was about five percent. In the U.S. during the 1940s, the number of diphtheria cases fluctuated between 15,000 and 30,000 annually. However, in 1980 a new pattern emerged, with only a few cases each year. From 1990 to 2000 (an 11-year period), 25 cases of diphtheria were recorded. Three of these cases were fatal.
结论:白喉在19世纪是一种普通的疾病.例如,从1891年到1895年,纽约每年平均有7,200例.病例死亡率大约是5%.在美国1940年代白喉病例的数目每年在15,000到30,000之间波动.然而,1980年一种新的模式出现了,每年只有几例.从1990年到2000年(一个11年周期), 记录了25例白喉病例.其中三例导致了死亡.
The diphtheria death rate plummeted long before the vaccine was introduced. In the United States, from 1900 to 1930, diphtheria fatalities declined by more than 85 percent. In fact, mortality from the disease decreased from 7.2 deaths per 10,000 in 1911 to .9 deaths per 10,000 in 1935—an 88 percent decline.
In 1975, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that diphtheria toxoid “is not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated.” Authorities confessed that diphtheria may occur in vaccinated individuals, and noted that “the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid…is open to question.
In 1979, authorities changed the medical definition of diphtheria. Prior to the change, “cutaneous” and “inhalation” cases of the disease were counted. After the change, only inhalation cases were labeled as bona fide diphtheria. As a result, official statistics showed an immediate 95 percent decline in cases the following year (and a 99.3 percent reduction from 1970 to 1980). The number of diphtheria cases remained low every year thereafter.
During the mid-1990s, there were outbreaks of diphtheria in eastern Europe and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Many of the cases occurred in persons who were properly vaccinated. As a result, authorities questioned the merits of diphtheria vaccination programs.
In 1999, FDA announced that diphtheria vaccines given to children during the previous year were “too weak to protect against diphtheria.” However, since diphtheria is very rare in the United States and other developed countries, officials did not recommend new vaccines for children who received the worthless ones.


Pertussis is a contagious disease caused by a bacterium that affects the respiratory system. Sometimes called whooping cough, this disease got its name from the high-pitched whooping noise victims make when they try to catch their breath after severe coughing attacks. Symptoms progress through three stages. In the first stage, which usually lasts one to two weeks, victims have trouble breathing, and may develop a cough and fever. In the second stage, which usually lasts two to three weeks, severe coughing attacks occur during the night, and then later during the day and night. The attacks can lead to inadequate oxygen, which can cause convulsions. During this stage death can occur. In the final stage, coughing lessens and recovery begins. Full recovery may take two to three months.
百日咳是一种感染呼吸系统的由细菌引起的接触传染病.有时叫whooping cough(百日咳), 这种疾病由感染了这种病的人发出的声调高的咳嗽声而得名,这些病人在这种严重的咳嗽发作的时候尽力想屏住呼吸.症状发展经历三个阶段.第一个阶段通常持续一到两周,病人呼吸困难,也许会咳嗽并发烧.第二个阶段通常持续2到3周,严重的咳嗽在晚上发作,然后在后半日以及后半夜发作.病发作的时候会导致吸入氧气不够,从而引起抽搐.在这个阶段也许会发生死亡.在最后的阶段,咳嗽减轻了并且开始恢复.全面恢复也许需要两到三个月.
The disease is rarely fatal. However, when infants under six months contract pertussis, it can be serious and life-threatening. There is no specific treatment for pertussis. Antibiotics and cough suppressants have been used, but with little effect, and are generally not recommended. A vaccine against pertussis has been available since 1936 (and was put into general use during the 1940s).

Findings: The incidence and severity of whooping cough had begun to decline long before the pertussis vaccine was introduced. From 1900 to 1935, the death rate from pertussis in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 79 percent and 82 percent, respectively (Figure 14).

A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics indicates that the pertussis vaccine may be only 40-45 percent effective. Further evidence indicates that immunity is not sustained. Susceptibility to pertussis 12 years after full vaccination may be as high as 95 percent. For example, 2,187 cases of pertussis were reported to the CDC in 1984. Of the 560 patients aged seven months to six years with known vaccination status, nearly half (46 percent) had received vaccine protection. In 1986, 1300 cases of pertussis were reported in Kansas. Of the patients with known vaccination status, 90 percent were “adequately” vaccinated. And in 1993, during a pertussis outbreak in Ohio, 82 percent of younger children stricken with the disease had received regular doses of the vaccine (Figure 15).

The diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines are usually combined into a single formula (DTP or DTaP). Components of this triple shot (including the “newly formulated” and recently updated version) are “stabilized” using formaldehyde—a known carcinogen. Each dose also contains thimerosal—a derivative of mercury—and aluminum potassium sulfate. Mercury and aluminum are toxic to humans.
The United States never conducted its own clinical tests to determine whether the pertussis vaccine is safe and effective. Instead, it relies on data collected by Great Britain during the 1950s on children between six months and one-and-a-half years of age. Even though 42 of these children had convulsions within 28 days, 80 percent of the babies were 14 months of age or older, and the tests were designed to measure the efficacy (not safety) of the vaccine, U.S. health authorities use these results as evidence that the vaccine is safe to give to babies as young as six weeks of age. In fact, a two month old baby weighing less than ten pounds receives the same dose of pertussis vaccine as a 50 pound child entering preschool.
The pertussis vaccine was used in animal experiments to help produce anaphylactic shock, and to cause an acute autoimmune encephalomyelitis (allergic encephalitis). Post-vaccinal encephalitis may be the greatest cause of developmental and learning disabilities in the country today. Scientists also developed an indirect test to determine the efficacy and safety of the pertussis vaccine. If it rendered immunity in mice, it was considered effective in children. If the mice did not lose weight, it was presumed to be nontoxic.
The pertussis vaccine may cause fever as high as 106 degrees, pain, swelling, diarrhea, projectile vomiting, excessive sleepiness, high-pitched screaming (not unlike the so-called cri encephalique, or encephalitic scream associated with central nervous system damage), inconsolable crying bouts, seizures, convulsions, collapse, shock, breathing problems, brain damage, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In one report, serious reactions (including grand mal epilepsy and encephalopathy) were shown to be as high as one in 600. In another study, it was reported that out of 15,752 shots administered to children, only 18 serious reactions (shock-collapse or convulsions) occurred (1 in 875). However, each child in the study received three to five shots. Thus, approximately one out of every 200 children who received the full DPT series suffered severe reactions.
In 1994, the Journal of the American Medical Association published data showing that children diagnosed with asthma were five times more likely than not to have received the pertussis vaccine. In 2000, a new study confirmed earlier findings that children who receive DPT or tetanus vaccines are significantly more likely to develop a “history of asthma” or other “allergy-related respiratory symptoms” than those who remain unvaccinated.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Babies die at a rate seven times greater than normal within three days after getting a pertussis shot. The three primary doses of pertussis are given to infants at two months, four months, and six months. Approximately 85 percent of SIDS cases occur in the period one through six months, with the peak incidence at age two to four months.
In a recent scientific study of SIDS, episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) and hypopnea (abnormally shallow breathing) were measured before and after pertussis vaccinations. Cotwatch (a sophisticated microprocessor placed under the baby’s mattress to measure precise breathing patterns) was used, and the computer printouts it generated (in integrals of the “weighted apnea-hypopnea density”) were analyzed. The data clearly shows that vaccination caused an extraordinary increase in episodes where breathing either nearly ceased or stopped completely (Figure 16). These episodes continued for months following vaccinations. Dr. Viera Scheibner, the author of the study, concluded that “vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths.”
在最近的一个SIDS的科学研究中,呼吸暂停的情况 (呼吸暂停)以及呼吸不足(不正常的浅呼吸)在百日咳疫苗接种之前以及之后都能检查到.使用了Cotwatch(一种放在婴儿床垫底下用来测量精确的呼吸模式的一种高级微处理器)以及由它产生的计算机打印输出用来分析.数据清楚显示疫苗接种引起了这种情况显著的增长:呼吸或者几乎停止或者完全停止(图16).这些情况在疫苗接种之后几个月一直持续. 该研究的人员Viera Scheibner博士总结出这一结论:”疫苗接种是婴儿死亡的个别原因中最普遍的以及最容易预防的.”

In another study of 103 children who died of SIDS, Dr. William Torch found that more than two-thirds had been vaccinated with pertussis prior to death. Of these, 6.5 percent died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13 percent within 24 hours; 26 percent within three days; and 37,61, and 70 percent within one, two, and three weeks, respectively (Figure 17). He also found that SIDS frequencies have a bimodal peak occurrence at two and four months—the same ages when initial doses of pertussis are administered to infants.
在另一个死于SIDS的103个小孩的研究中, William Torch博士发现超过2/3的小孩在死亡之前已经接种了百日咳疫苗.在这些死亡的病例中,有6.5%死于接种后12小时;13%死于接种后24小时;26%死于三天内;一周,两周以及三周内的死亡率分别是37%,61%以及70%(图17).他还发现SIDS的发生频率在2到4个月的婴儿中有一个双峰现象—这是初次剂量的百日咳疫苗使用在婴儿身上的那个年龄.

The following excerpt is from a statement made by a distraught grandmother testifying before Congress regarding vaccine injury compensation:
“My name is Donna Gary. Our family should have celebrated our very first granddaughter’s first birthday last month. Instead, we will commemorate the anniversary of her death at the end of this month.
“我的名字叫Donna Gary.我们家里上个月应该已经为我们第一个孙女庆祝了她的第一个生日.然而,我们就要在这个月底给她做周年祭.
“Our granddaughter, Lee Ann, was just eight weeks old when her mother took her to the doctor for her routine checkup. That included, of course, her first DPT inoculation and oral polio vaccine.
“我们的孙女Lee Ann在她的母亲带她去医生那里做常规检查的时候只有八个星期大.那次当然也包括为她做第一次DPT疫苗接种以及口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗.
“In all her entire eight weeks of life this lovable, extremely alert baby had never produced such a blood-curdling scream as she did at the moment the shot was given. Neither had her mother ever before seen her back arch as it did while she screamed. She was inconsolable. Even her daddy could not understand Lee Ann’s uncharacteristic screaming and crying.
“在她接受疫苗注射的时候,这个可爱而机敏的宝宝在她生命的整个八个星期,从来没有发出过那么撕心裂肺的尖叫.她妈妈以前也从来没有看过在她尖叫的时候她的背拱得那么厉害.她怎么哄也哄不了.即使是她的爸爸也不能感受到Lee Ann那异常的尖叫和哭喊代表的意义.
“Four hours later Lee Ann was dead. ‘Crib death,’ the doctor said—‘SIDS.’ ‘Could it be connected to the shot?’ her parents implored. ‘No.’ ‘But she just had her first DPT shot this afternoon. Could there possibly be any connection to it?’ ‘No, no connection at all,’ the emergency room doctor said definitely.
“在Lee Ann死后四小时.医生说这是’SIDS’(婴儿卒死综合症).’这与注射相关吗?’她的父母恳求.’不.’ ‘但是她今天下午才刚刚注射过DPT啊.这没有任何联系吗?’’不,根本没有任何联系,’急救室的医生肯定地说.
“My husband and I hurried to the hospital the following morning after Lee Ann’s death to talk with the pathologist before the autopsy. We wanted to make sure he was alerted to her DPT inoculation such a short time before her death—just in case there was something else he could look for to make the connection. He was unavailable to talk with us. We waited two-and-a-half hours. Finally, we got to talk to another doctor after the autopsy had been completed. He said it was ‘SIDS.’
“我的丈夫和我在Lee Ann死后的第二个早晨赶紧赶到医院和尸检的病理学医生谈话.我们想确定他是否在Lee Ann死前的一段短时间内被警告过她注射了DPT—以防他能找到其他联系起来的证据.我们找不到他谈话.我们等待了两个半小时.最后,我们在尸检完成之后和另一个医生谈了话.他说这是’SIDS.’
“In the months before Lee Ann was born I regularly checked with a friend as to the state of her grandchild’s condition. He is nearly a year-and-a-half older than Lee Ann. On his first DPT shot he passed out cold for 15 minutes, right in the pediatrician’s office. ‘Normal reaction for some children,’ the pediatrician reassured. The parents were scared, but they knew what a fine doctor they had. They trusted his judgment.
“在Lee Ann出生前的几个月,她和我一个朋友的孙子的状况差不多.他比Lee Ann大了将近一岁半.在接受第一次DPT注射的时候他就在儿科医生的办公室里昏过去15分钟.’一些孩子的正常反应,’儿科医生保证说.父母很害怕,但是他们知道他们的医生很不错.他们相信他的判断.
“When it was time for the second shot they asked, ‘Are you sure it’s all right? Is it really necessary?’
“Their pediatrician again reassured them. He told them how awful it was to experience, as he had, one of his infant patient’s bout with whooping cough. That baby had died.
“They gave him his second DPT shot that day. He became brain-damaged.
“This past week I had an opportunity to read through printed copies of the hearing of this committee. I am dismayed to learn that this same talk has been going on for years, and nothing has progressed to incorporate what seems so obvious and necessary to keep from destroying any more babies, and to compensate financially those who have already been damaged for life.
“How accurate are our statistics on adverse reactions to vaccines when parents have been told, are still being told, ‘No connection to the shot, no connection at all?’
“What about the mother I have recently talked with who has a four-year-old brain-damaged son? On all three of his DPT shots he had a convulsion in the presence of the pediatrician. ‘No connection,’ the pediatrician assured.
“I talked with a father in a town adjoining ours whose son died at the age of nine weeks, several months before our own granddaughter’s death. It was the day after his DPT inoculation. ‘SIDS’ is the statement on the death certificate.
“Are the statistics that the medical world loves to quote to say, ‘There is no connection,’ really accurate, or are they based on poor diagnoses, poor recordkeeping?
“What is being done to provide a safer vaccine? Who is overseeing? Will it be the same scientists and doctors who have been overseeing in the past? How are physicians and clinics going to be held accountable to see that parents are informed of the possible reactions? And how are those children who should not receive the vaccine to be identified before they are damaged—or dead?
“Today is the National Day of Prayer. My prayer is that this committee be instrumental in doing what needs to be done—and soon. May there not be yet another year pass by with more children afflicted, and some dead, because those who can do so refuse to ‘make the right connection.’”


In 1981, Japan began giving their children a new “acellular” pertussis vaccine. They claimed it was less toxic and more effective than the standard “whole-cell” vaccine used in the United States. Many authorities in this country agreed, but claimed that the additional cost to produce the vaccine, and the logistics involved, did not justify making the switch.

Findings: Japan reported a significant drop in serious reactions following use of the acellular vaccine. However, in 1975, a few years before the new pertussis vaccine was introduced in Japan, authorities raised the age of vaccination to two years. In the U.S., pertussis shots are began at two months, and are continued throughout the infant’s early, and high risk, months. Thus it has been difficult to ascertain whether the acellular vaccine is truly safer.
In 1987, 66 victims of the Japanese pertussis vaccine won huge awards from their government. The court recognized that the authorities were denying reactions and the damaged plaintiffs were victimized so that the “public interest in preventing contagious diseases” wouldn’t be undermined.
In 1988, the United States tested the acellular pertussis vaccine on Swedish children. Efficacy with a two dose regimen was 69 percent. Several children died during the study. Ironically, U.S. health official—who were indifferent to pursuing alternatives to their imperfect whole-cell vaccine—played coy by calling for more research into the deaths, even though they occurred up to five months after vaccination, causes included heroin intoxication, and Swedish officials concluded they were unrelated to the vaccinations. Deaths that occur within hours or days of a whole-cell vaccination in the U.S. are quickly dismissed and rarely investigated.
In 1989, Pediatrics published a study showing that the acellular vaccine caused fewer of the mild-type reactions than the standard DPT vaccine. However, serious reactions, such as encephalitis, occurred at a higher rate than with the standard shot. Brain inflammation struck at the rate of one of every 106 vaccinated children.
In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended replacing the standard whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DPT) with the acellular (DTaP) vaccine for the 4th and 5th doses only. In 1996, U.S. authorities replaced DPT with the DTaP vaccine for all five doses—despite the contention by some researchers that “most of the mild and serious reactions which have been reported following DPT vaccination have also been reported following DTap…”
1992年,<美国儿科研究院(AAP)>推荐只用非细胞(DTaP)疫苗来代替标准全细胞百日咳疫苗(DPT)的第四以及第五剂.1996年,美国权威机构全部五剂都用DTaP代替DPT—而不管一些研究员的争论,” 已经报告的接种DPT之后的多数温和以及严重的反应也已经在接种了DTaP之后被报告…”
The following adverse reactions are typical of the unsolicited email received by the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute. (For more information, visit www.thinktwice.com)
“My son is one year old. On his nine-month visit, he received the DTaP shot. The next two days he was doing a strange sort of jerking movement with his face that I’d never seen before. It looked like a mini-seizure. His body would tighten up when they would occur. I am now worried about getting the next DTaP shot.”
“My youngest daughter had a ‘mild’ reaction to the DPT. Her fever lasted three to four days, and she was cranky for a few weeks. My doctor suggested 1/2 dose for the next round; she had no reaction at all. Then we moved and her new pediatrician stated that 1/2 doses aren’t recognized as a valid vaccination, but suggested the DTaP. Within hours she started to get a high fever, black diarrhea, and vomited. I called the doctor immediately, who started falling out. I took her back to the doctor who told me to stop putting her hair into ponytails, that I was pulling her hair too tight. Well, it has been two years since, and her hair has finally grown back enough for very small ponytails. I am not going to get her vaccinated again.”
“They gave my daughter the DTaP at three months after they told me there were no known side effects. I objected to her having the shot but they told me that they would call Child Protection Services if I refused to let her have the vaccine. Being a teenage parent, the fear of losing her loomed over me 24 hours a day, and I didn’t want to make it a reality. So, I agreed to let her have it. Within minutes of arriving home she began to scream like I had never heard before. It scared me. She screamed for about 16 hours, with no break. The doctor swore that she was okay and was just “colicky.” After 16 hours of screaming she became lethargic. She wouldn’t even look up when I said her name, which she had always done before. She went into a seizure and ended up in the emergency room. My daughter now receives only the DT shot, and although the pedatrician’s nurses get angry with me, I insist that I see the label of the shot bottle before any injections are given to her.”
Hepatitis B is a viral infection. Symptoms may be similar to the flu, including weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, pain in the upper right abdomen, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin). In some cases, individuals who contract this disease may be carriers of the virus yet exhibit few or none of these symptoms. Acute hepatitis B usually runs its course within one year. Long-term or chronic infections may progress to liver failure, coma, and death.
In 1981, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed a plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine. It contained hepatitis B antigens (disease matter) extracted from individuals infected with the disease. This vaccine was later withdrawn from the market because vaccines derived from human blood are capable of transmitting unforeseen and potentially dangerous viruses. (Several studies investigated the probability that recipients of the plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine received vaccines contaminated with HIV, a precursor to AIDS.) In 1986, the first of several genetically engineered (synthetic recombinant) vaccines was license for use on the general population.

Findings: The groups at highest risk of contracting hepatitis B are intravenous drug users, prostitutes, and sexually active gay men. Infants and children rarely develop this disease. In fact, less than one percent of all cases occur in children younger than 15 years. In North America, Europe and Australia, true carriers of the virus represent just one-tenth of one percent of the population.
Infants born to hepatitis B infected mothers have a greater chance of acquiring this disease. However, children are very unlikely to contract hepatitis B if the mother is not infected. Pregnant women may be screened for this disease if they are concerned.
Studies claim that the hepatitis B vaccine provides immunity from the disease for five to ten years, but this conclusion contradicts the data. For example, in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, after five years antibody levels (presumed to correlate with immunity) declined sharply or no longer existed in 42 percent of the vaccine recipients. In addition, 34 of the 773 subjects (4.4 percent!) became infected with the virus. In another study, fewer than 40 percent of the vaccine recipients had protective antibody levels after five years. A similar study showed that 48 percent of the vaccine recipients had inadequate antibody levels after just four years. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, up to “60 percent of adults will lose all detectable antibody to hepatitis B vaccine within 6 to 10 years.” The medical literature contains other case studies documenting vaccine failures.
In 1991, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that all infants receive the hepatitis B vaccine. Today, a majority of states mandate this vaccine. Yet, surveys in medical journals indicate that up to 87 percent of pediatricians and family practitioners do not believe this vaccine is needed by their newborn patients (Figure 18). Nevertheless, because high risk groups are difficult to reach, or have rejected this vaccine, and since children are “accessible,” many now receive the complete series beginning at birth. Due to waning efficacy or partial immunity, older children are compelled to receive booster doses as well.

Authorities often claim that hospital employees are likely to contract and spread hepatitis B. they use this as a rationale for mandating the shot. However, in one study of 624 health workers, the risk of contracting hepatitis B was associated with the frequency of contact with blood, but did not correlate with the frequency of contract with patients. The authors concluded that health workers many become naturally immunized rather than infected through continuous exposure to low levels of hepatitis B.
Adverse reactions following the plasma-derived and the synthetic recombinant hepatitis B vaccines have been noted in the scientific literature. These include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre sysndrome. Bell’s palsy, Rolf’s Palsy, ocular and brachial plexus neuropathy, optic neuritis, central nervous system demyelination, lumbar reticulopathy, transverse myelitis, autoimmune reactions, thrombocytopenic purpura, anaphylaxis, arthritis, fever, headaches, pain, vomiting, vertigo, herpes zoster, and convulsions. Many of these reactions occurred after just one dose of the vaccine.
接种了来自血浆的以及人工重组的B型肝炎疫苗之后的有害反应在科学文献中已经被指了出来.这些包括糖尿病,多发性硬化, Guillain-Barre综合症, Bell瘫痪, Rolf瘫痪,眼睛以及臂从神经病,视神经炎,中央神经系统脱髓鞘, lumbar reticulopathy, transverse myelitis,自体免疫反应, thrombocytopenic purpura,过敏性反应,关节炎,发烧,头痛,疼痛,呕吐,眩晕,带状包疹,以及抽搐.许多这样的反应就发生在接种了一剂疫苗之后.
This section contains unsolicited adverse reaction reports associated with the hepatitis B vaccine. They are typical of the daily emails received by the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institue.
“Our daughter was born healthy but we allowed her to get the hepatitis B vaccine, and at three days old she started having seizures. After a week in the local children’s hospital surrounded by the best doctors and nurses, they said she had suffered a stroke.”
“I am a mother of three boys—six years, four years, and almost seven months. But the problem with my family is, we no longer have our seven month old baby. We lost our dear baby when he was almost two months old. He passed away after receiving just one shot of the hepatitis B vaccine!”
“My son received the hepatitis B vaccine. Within days he had cold and flu-like symptoms. It quickly escalated into a high fever with itchy, red hives all over his body, with severe joint pain and swelling. He was hospitalized within 10 days of the shot. He is now diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and is on several medications. Prior to the shot he was a very healthy, active boy who played sports.”
“After the nurse injected my 11-year-old daughter with her second hepatitis B shot, she got up, almost tripped into the next room, and fell flat to the ground. I went to pick her up not knowing what had happened, and when I lifted her up she was lifeless, and then her body started to shake. It was very frightening. She had passed out, and when she hit the floor her chin was bleeding and she had to get six stitches. The doctor said that she just passed out, but I am concerned about why she shook the way she did. I am scared to death to get her third shot.”
“My 14 year old daughter had a toxic reaction to her hepatitis B vaccinations. Prior to the vaccines, my daughter competed in the National Junior Olympics and has always been an ‘A’ student. This has changed. She currently is suffering from chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory loss and sore joints. We have put her through a series of medical tests. She has evidence of autoimmune disease. The recommendation is to treat her with immuno-suppressive drugs or intravenous gammaglobulin. This is her life. I am very concerned. It breaks my heart. I write this with tears in my eyes. Please Help.”
“Ever since I received the hepatitis B vaccine I have had weakness and heaviness in my legs, among other symptoms. I’ve seen several doctors and had many tests to determine what is wrong with me. I fall in the category of multiple sclerosis-like symptoms.”
“I was forced to receive the hepatitis B vaccine because my job placed me at ‘high’ risk. At first I experienced weired symptoms, then developed multiple sclerosis.”


Chickenpox, or varicella, is a contagious disease caused by a virus. The technical name for this virus is varicella-zoster, a member of the herpes virus family. Chickenpox is considered by many experts to be a relatively harmless childhood disease. Symptoms include a fever, runny nose, sore throat, and an itchy skin rash which can appear anywhere on the body. The rash and disease usually disappear after one or two weeks. The disease confers permanent immunity; the child will not contract it again.
A chickenpox vaccine has been available since the 1970s, but authorities were reluctant to license and promote it because the disease is rarely dangerous and confers lifelong immunity. Still, in 1995 the chickenpox vaccine was licensed for use in the U.S., and has been added to the list of “mandatory” shots in several states.

Findings: Chickenpox can be itchy and uncomfortable for a few days. Serious problems are rare. In fact, before a chickenpox vaccine was introduced, doctors used to recommend exposing your child to the virus, and parents organized “chickenpox parties,” because complication rates increase when the disease is contracted by teenagers or adults. Every year, of the millions of people who contract this disease, about 50 die from related complications. Many of these are in adults who did not have chickenpox as a child, or in previously unhealthy children with already weakened immune systems from other diseases, such as AIDS, leukemia, or cancer.
Prior to licensing the chickenpox vaccine, an important study concluded that a national chickenpox vaccination campaign would shift the age distribution of chickenpox cases from children, who are not likely to experience problems with this disease, to teenagers and adults, who have higher complication rates. Yet, this did not stop authorities from licensing and mandating this vaccine, because “the U.S. could save fine times as much as it would spend” on this shot by avoiding the costs incurred by moms and dads who stay home to care for their sick children.
Efficacy rates for the chickenpox vaccine have not been reliably established. The vaccine is not effective in children under 12 months, and in all pre-licensure trials some vaccinated children contracted chickenpox. “Vaccine failures” and/or the development of a rash virtually indistinguishable from chickenpox, account for many of the documented (and undocumented) complaints associated with this shot. According to an FDA report, approximately 1 in 10 vaccinated children develop “breakthrough disease” following exposure to chickenpox. Actual figures are worse because some people do not report their reactions, and because vaccinated children who contract shingles or some other disease as a result of the shot are not listed as recipients of an ineffective or failed vaccine.
水痘疫苗的有效率还没有得到可靠的建立.疫苗对于小于12个月的婴儿无效,并且在所有的批准之前的试验中,一些注射了疫苗的孩子还是感染了水痘.由于许多记载(以及没有记载)的与这种注射有关的病, ”疫苗失败”和/或皮疹的进展实际上和水痘无法区别.根据FDA的报告,大约1/10的接种儿童在接触水痘之后得了”突破性疾病”.因为一些人没有报告他们的反应,并且由于注射接种后导致感染带状疱疹或者某种其他疾病的接种儿童不算做无效或者疫苗失败的例子, 所以实际数据更为糟糕.
When the chickenpox vaccine was first licensed, product inserts from a chickenpox vaccine manufacturer contained a warning that vaccinated individuals “may” be capable of transmitting the vaccine virus to close contacts, and that vaccine recipients “should avoid close association with susceptible high risk individuals” such as newborns, pregnant women, and immuno-compromised individuals. A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatrics confirmed that vaccinated children can spread the disease. Recently published federal data includes numerous cases of these “unintentional exposures.” As a result, the CDC and FDA had to admit that “secondary transmission of the virus can occur.” Today, product labels for the chickenpox vaccine list “secondary transmission” of the vaccine virus as a known adverse event. In other words, children vaccinated with the chickenpox shot are mobile carriers of the virus, and can spread this highly contagious disease to every susceptible person they come into contact with.
The FDA and CDC recently studied 6,574 reports of adverse reactions to the chickenpox vaccine and published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Here is a summary of their findings: Adverse reactions in recipients of the chickenpox vaccine occurred at a rate of 67.5 reports per 100,000 doses sold. Approximately four percent of reports described “serious” adverse reactions. By FDA definition, “serious” reactions refer to deaths, life-threatening events, hospitalizations, persistent or significant disabilities, and other incidents of medical importance. For example, the data analyzed in this review included numerous cases of neurological disorders, immune system damage, blood disorders, brain inflammation, seizures, and death.
If we take the FDA analysis at face value, serious reactions to the chickpenpox vaccine struck at a rate of four percent. This included victims in all age groups. However, children up to four years old had serious reactions at a rate of 6.3 percent; children up to two years old had serious reactions at a rate of 9.2 percent; and children vaccinated (by mistake) between birth and their first year of life had serious reactions at an astonishing rate of 14 percent! (Figure 19)

The FDA and CDC findings included case histories. For example, a healthy 18-month-old boy who “had no history of allergy or any prior postvaccinal adverse event” before receiving the chickenpox vaccine (and others), was admitted to the intensive care unit four days later with a low platelet count. “He began to bleed from the mouth…and died two days later from cerebral hemorrhage.”
Another child “without previous convulsions” had a seizure three days after varicella vaccine. Following his second dose one month later, he reacted with two tonic-clonic seizures. Researchers concluded, “This patient’s positive rechallenge for seizure activity increases suspicion that varicella vaccine may be more than a coincidental factor in observations of postvaccinal convulsions.”
The FDA and CDC findings also included numerous reports of vaccine recipients developing herpes zoster, or shingles, a painful skin eruption that can last for several weeks. This affliction can occur again and again, months or years following the shot. Once the varicella virus is injected into the body, it remains there indefinitely and can reactivate when immunity declines. According to Dr. Dennis Klinman of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, and the author of a 2000 study published in Nature Medicine, reactivation of the latent infection can occur following vaccination with the live attenuated varicella zoster virus (chickenpox vaccine). “As immunity declines, the latent virus wakes up.” Earlier studies, including one published in the New England Journal of Medicine, already showed this link between the chickenpox vaccine and herpes zoster.
FDA和CDC的发现还包括很多接种者得了带状疱疹的报告(一种可以持续数周的疼痛皮肤出疹).这种痛苦在接种了注射剂之后的年月里会一再发生.一旦水痘病毒注射到身体里面,它们能够潜伏起来并且在免疫力下降的时候再活动.据FDA生物制剂和研究中心的Dennis Klinman博士以及一位在<自然医药>上面发表了对2000人进行了研究的作者说,潜在感染的重新活跃会在接种了活性弱水痘疫苗之后发生.”由于免疫力下降,潜在的病毒苏醒了.”包括一个发表在<新英格兰医学期刊>的那些早期的研究已经显示了水痘疫苗和带状疱疹之间的联系.
Additional corroboration of vaccine-included shingles can be found in the following personal stories typical of the unsolicited email received by the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute:
“I made the foolish decision to get my daughter the chickenpox vaccine. Within a few days she had an outbreak of pox. Now, a year later, she has another outbreak but I can’t convince a doctor since she’s supposedly immune due to the shot.”
“My twins were immunized with the chickenpox vaccine. Ever since they received the shot, they have had a recurring rash that looks like chickenpox. It first showed up three days after vaccinations. Nothing works to treat the bumps. The bumps are concentrated in one area, typical of shingles. Our doctors deny it, so basically we just have to deal with this. I wish I had never vaccinated them against chickenpox. My other children caught chickenpox naturally and it never hurt any of them. Please pass this letter on to others who are considering this vaccine so they can make a better decision.”

Haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib (no relation to the flu), is a serious bacterial infection that can cause meningitis, pneumonia, swelling of the throat, and other disease complications. Hib is spread through sneezing, coughing, and secretions from an infected person. Treatment mainly consists of intravenously administered antibiotics. Oxygen therapy and other medical tactics may also be required.
In 1985, the first of several Hib vaccines was licensed for use in the U.S. This vaccine was ineffective in children under age two, so it was quickly recommended for all children two years old or older—even though 75 percent of all Hib cases occur before the age of two years. From 1987 to 1990, several new “conjugated” Hib vaccines were licensed. By 1991, Hib vaccines were recommended for use in infants as young as two months.

Findings: During the 1970s and 1980s, there were an estimated 16,000 to 20,000 Hib infections per year in the U.S. Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) occurred in about half of the cases. Around 25 percent of all Hib infections caused hearing loss, neurological problems, or pneumonia. Inflammation of the throat accounted for nearly 15 percent of cases. The mortality rate was about four percent.
Hib infections occurred at a much lower rate during the 1940s and 1950s. In fact, Hib rates jumped 400 percent between 1946 and 1986—a period coinciding with mass use of the DPT vaccine. Several factors appear to implicate this highly reactive combination shot. Rates tumbled beginning in the 1990s, with just 329 cases of Hib in American children under five years of age in 1994, 259 cases in 1995, and 144 cases in 1996 and 1997 combined.
Sixty percent of all Hib cases occur in children less than 12 months of age; 90 percent occur in children less than five years old. Native American Indians, Eskimo children, African-Americans, and children from lower socioeconomic families are all at increased risk of contracting Hib. In the U.S., African-American children are four times as likely to contract Hib as white children.
Children are at risk of contracting Hib disease following their Hib vaccinations. Doctors have been warned by the CDC that cases may occur after vaccination, “prior to the onset of the protective effects of the vaccine.” Studies warn of “increased susceptibility” to the disease during the first seven days after vaccination. The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned doctors to look for signs of the disease in children following vaccination. In fact, several studies found that Hib-vaccinated children are up to six times more likely than non-Hib-vaccinated children to contract Hib during the first week following vaccination. In one study of children who contracted Hib at least three weeks after their shot, more than 70 percent developed meningitis. Additional research has confirmed that antibody levels decline rather than increase immediately following Hib vaccinations—even with the newer conjugated Hib vaccines—placing the child at greater risk for invasive disease.
儿童在接种HIB疫苗之后,处于感染HIB疾病的风险之中.医生已经警告了CDC接种之后也许会有病情发生,”在疫苗的保护性效果发生之前发生.”一些研究提出了在接种疫苗之后的第一个七天对于该病”增长的易感性”警告.美国儿科研究院已经警告医生在接种疫苗之后观察疾病的迹象.实际上,几个研究发现, 在接种后的第一周HIB接种儿童比起没有接种的儿童有高出六倍的可能性得HIB.在对注射之后至少三周感染了HIB的儿童的一个研究中,多于70%的人变成了脑膜炎.其他研究已经证实抗体水平在接种HIB疫苗之后立即下降而不是上升—甚至采用较新的配对HIB疫苗也是如此—让儿童处在了侵入性疾病的更高的风险之中.
Here is a letter from a distraught mother confirming an increased susceptibility to the disease following vaccination:
“My daughter was born a healthy baby girl and was progressing great. Then I got a vaccine reminder in the mail. I made an appointment, got her shots, and one week later my daughter was dead. The autopsy report stated: ‘Haemophilus influenzae.’ She was not ill in any way, but now my baby is dead. They keep saying it can’t happen, but what more proof do they need? I have a dead baby who died of the disease that she was supposed to be immune to.”
Hib vaccines are often given simultaneously with other vaccines. Some drug companies combine the Hib vaccine with DTaP. Thus, when a child has an adverse reaction to the shot, it is often difficult to ascertain which component of the vaccine (or of the several simultaneously administered vaccines) was responsible. Nevertheless, the medical literature contains numerous reports confirming likely correlations between the Hib vaccine and serious ailments, including: Gguillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis (paralysis of the spinal cord), aseptic meningitis, invasive pneumococcal disease, thrombocytopenia (a decrease in blood platelets leading to internal bleeding), erythema multiforme, fever, rash, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, convulsions, and sudden infant death syndrome.
HIB疫苗通常同时和其他疫苗一起给用.一些医药公司将HIB疫苗和DTaP疫苗混合使用.因此,当一个孩子对于注射有有害反应的时候,经常难以确定疫苗的哪一部分出了问题(或者都有问题).然而,医学文献中记载了很多HIB疫苗和其他严重疾病之间确认的可能的联系,包括: Gguillain-Barre综合症,横向脊髓炎(脊髓的瘫痪),无菌脑炎,***,血小板减少症,多种形式的红斑,发烧,皮疹,麻疹,呕吐,腹泻,惊厥,抽搐以及婴儿卒死综合症.
The Hib vaccine may also be linked to new epidemics of diabetes. Sharp increases of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have been recorded in the USA, England, and other European countries following mass immunization campaigns with the Hib vaccine. In a landmark study published in the British Medical Journal, more than 200,000 Finnish children were split into three groups. The first group received no doses of the Hib vaccine. The second group received one dose of the Hib vaccine (at 24 months of age). The third group received four doses of the Hib vaccine (at 3, 4, 6, and 18 months of age). At ages seven and ten, the total number of cases of type 1 diabetes in all three groups was tallied.
Results: At age seven, there were 54 more cases per 100,000 children in the group that received four doses of the Hib vaccine when compared to the group that received no doses—a 26 percent increase! At age ten, there were 58 more cases per 100,000 children in the group that received four doses of the Hib vaccine when compared to the group that received no doses (Figure 20). Based on an annual birth rate of about 4 million children, in the U.S. alone this translates into 2,300 additional (and avoidable) cases of diabetes every year. (Each case of insulin dependent diabetes is estimated to cost more than $1 million in medical costs and lost productivity.) By contrast, the Hib vaccine is expected to prevent a much smaller number of severe disabilities. These figures depict significant differences, and according to some experts who analyzed the data, a causal relationship between the Hib vaccine and type 1 diabetes is supported. Furthermore, “the increased risk of diabetes in the vaccinated group exceeds the expected decreased risk of complications of Hib meningitis.” Thus, these experts issued a warning to the public that, in their estimation, “the potential risk of the vaccine exceeds the potential benefit.”

Personal stories by concerned parents confirm that the vaccine may be more detrimental than beneficial:
“I have a son who was diagnosed with diabetes six months after his first Hib shot. Two of his friends were also diagnosed six months after their first Hib shot. There is no history of diabetes in any of these families.”
“Our 10-year-old daughter was diagnosed with diabetes [a few months after she received her Hib vaccine].”
“My daughter received a Hib vaccine a few months before she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.”


Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcal disease, is a serious bacterial illness that can cause meningitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis, and bacteremia (an infection of the blood). The pneumococcal pathogen consists of approximately 90 different strains, including serogroups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, 9V, 10A, 11A, 12F, 18C, 19A, 26, 51, 54, 68, and so on.
A vaccine containing 23 strains of the pneumococcal germ has been available for many years. Authorities recommend it for seniors and “high risk” children over age two—even though studies show it to be ineffective at preventing pneumococcal infections.
In 2000, the FDA approved a new vaccine—Prevnar or PCV7—for children 23 months and younger. It contains seven of the estimated 90 different pneumococcal strains and is given as a four dose series starting at two months of age (Figure 21).

Findings: Most healthy children are not at risk from this disease. In fact, according to the Red Book Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, “[Pneumococcal infections in children] are more likely to occur when predisposing conditions exist, including immunoglobulin deficiency, Hodgkin’s disease, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (including HIV), nephritic syndrome, some viral upper respiratory tract infections, splenic dysfunction, splenectomy and organ transplantation.
结论:多数健康儿童不会受到这种疾病的威胁.实际上,根据<美国儿科学会>公布的<传染病委员会红皮书报告>,”[儿童肺炎感染]在易于引发的条件下更容易存在,包括免疫球蛋白缺陷, Hodgkin病,天生的或者获得的免疫缺陷(包括HIV),肾脏综合症,一些上呼吸道感染,脾脏功能紊乱,脾切除以及器官移植.
Efficacy of the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (Prevnar) was assessed based upon a study in which babies injected with the new vaccine were compared to babies injected with other vaccines. A true controlled study comparing babies vaccinated with pneumococcus to non-vaccinated babies was never conducted.
In practical terms, it will be nearly impossible to tell how well the pneumococcal shot really works because its efficacy is only determined by its protection against bacterial disease caused by the seven strains included in the vaccine. This vaccine will not protect against pneumococcal disease caused by any of the several dozen other strains of streptococcus pneumoniae. Nor will this vaccine protect against bacterial infections caused by hemophilus influenzae type b or meninggococcus.
实际上,谁也说不清肺炎疫苗注射剂能够起到什么作用,因为它的效果只是由它能够预防疫苗中的七种细菌引起的细菌疾病决定.这种疫苗不会预防七种之外的其他种类的链球菌引起的肺炎病.这种疫苗也不会预防由B型hemophilus influenzae或者meninggococcus引起的细菌感染.
This conjugated pneumococcal vaccine is relatively new. No one will know for sure just how safe (or unsafe) it is until after it has been “tested” on millions of children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “Available data suggest that PCV7 (Prevnar) may prove to be among the most reactogenic vaccine of those currently used…”
The package inserts produced by the vaccine manufacturer list several adverse reactions that occurred following trials of the vaccine. Although the manufacturer does not admit a causative relationship between this vaccine and many of these reactions, parents who are considering this vaccine may wish to weigh the implications. Such reactions included: asthma, seizures, pneumonia, diabetes, autoimmune disease, ear infections, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, wheezing, croup, and sudden infant death syndrome.
Personal stories confirm a probable link to adverse reactions:
“My 6-month-old received Prevnar two days ago. She vomited that evening. The injection site is very inflamed. It looks like a burn [and] has a big knot under it that…extends from the site like a finger.”
“My 12-month-old daughter just received Prevnar [and other vaccines]. She vomited for three hours and had diarrhea. My baby was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with pneumonia.”


Neisseria meningitides, or meningococcal disease, is a serious bacterial illness that can cause meningitis and meningococcemia, or septicaemia (blood poisoning). The meningococcal pathogen consists of at least 13 different strains, including serogroups A, B, C, Y, W-135, 29E, and Z. Serogroup C (alternately referred to as Meningoccus C, MenC, or Meningitis C), accounts for about 20 percent of all cases of meningococcal disease in the United States and 40 percent of all cases in the United Kingdom (Figure 22).
流脑是一种能够引起脑膜炎和脑膜炎球菌血症或者败血症的严重的细菌疾病.流脑病原体由至少13种不同的种类组成,包括血清组A,B,C,Y,W-135,29E以及Z. 血清组C(也可称为Meningoccus C, MenC, 或者Meningitis C)这种病因占了美国所有流脑病的20%,英国的40%.{图22}
At least three new meningococcal vaccines were recently developed and recommended for babies as young as two months.

Findings: Infants under one year of age are at greatest risk of contracting meningococcus. Children aged 1-5 years are the next highest risk group. Teens 15-19 are more susceptible to this disease as well. In 1998, Australia reported 421 cases of the disease, Canada had just 126 cases, and Japan made only six notifications. In the United States, outbreaks of group C meningococcal disease have been reported. The CDC estimates that “between 100 and 125 cases of meningitis occur among U.S. college students annually and cause 5 to 15 deaths.” However, no mention is made of the specific pathogen (a virus, Hib, pneumococcus, or meningococcus) responsible for these “estimated” cases of meningitis, nor does the CDC provide documentation to confirm their methods for making such estimates. The British Department of Health concedes that “Meningococcal infection is relatively rare, affecting approximately 5 in 100,000 people a year in the United Kingdom.”
结论:小于一岁的婴儿有很大感染流脑的风险.1到5岁大的儿童是第二个高风险人群.15到19岁的孩子对这种疾病更加敏感.1998年,澳大利亚报告了421例这种疾病,加拿大只有126例,日本只报告了六例.在美国,C组流脑的爆发已经报道了.CDC评估说”每年在美国的大学生中有100到125例脑炎发生,并且引起了5到15例死亡.”然而并没有提到确定的病原体(一种HIB,肺炎或者脑膜炎球菌病毒)是这些受到”评估的” 脑膜炎的原因,CDC也没有提供材料来证实他们作出这些评估的方法.英国卫生部承认”流脑感染是较少的,在英国每年每100,000人大约感染5人.”
No one can know for sure just how safe the meningococcal vaccine is until after it has been on the market for several years. A fact sheet produced by the British Department of Health flatly states that “No adverse effects of the vaccine have been seen.” Yet, by September 5, 2000, less than one year after a nationwide Meningitis C vaccination campaign was initiated, the British Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) had received 7,742 Yellow Card reports—suspected adverse reactions—following administration of this vaccine, including at least 12 deaths. The British government tried to convince the public that most of the deaths were caused by sudden infant death syndrome.
The Meingitis C vaccine is designed to protect against bacterial disease caused by the C strain of the meningococcus pathogen—just 20 percent of all cases in the U.S. and 40 percent in the U.K. The vaccine does not contain the B strain of meningococcus—the most frequent cause of the disease (Figure 22). Nor is it possible for this vaccine to protect against bacterial disease caused by pneumococcus, haemophilus influenzae type b, or newly emerging atypical strains. Thus, when a person is vaccinated and still contracts bacterial disease, it will be difficult to determine whether the vaccine failed or whether the disease was caused by the vaccine, by another strain, or by a completely different bacterial pathogen.
C型脑膜炎疫苗是设计用来预防C类流脑病原体引起的细菌疾病—所有病例中这种病例在美国只占20%,英国只占40%.这种疫苗不含B类流脑—这种疾病的经常性的原因(图22).也不可能用这种疫苗来预防肺炎球菌,B型haemophilus influenzae或者新出现非典型的细菌引起的疾病.因此,当一个人接种疫苗之后,并且还是感染了细菌性疾病,就很难判断是这种疫苗失效了还是这种病是由这种疫苗引起的,由它种细菌引起的或者由其他完全不同的细菌病原体引起的.
The following experience typifies the possibilities:” When I was in high school my parents had me vaccinated for meningitis. Following my vaccination, I ended up in the hospital with a major infection that attacked every area of my system. My parents told me that for the first two days that I was hospitalized I did not even recognize them. The doctors performed a lumbar puncture on me. This procedure involved freezing my mid-section so they could insert a large needle into the pit of my spinal cord to withdraw fluid for testing. Their diagnosis was meningitis. I remained hospitalized for three weeks. They did not want to even consider that my meningitis vaccination could have caused my nearly fatal disease.”
The position of the American Academy of Pediatrics is that “universal vaccination [with meningococcal vaccine] is not necessary.” The federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices conducted a financial analysis of vaccination for all college students and determined that it is not likely to be cost-effective for society as a whole because “the overall risk for meningococcal disease among college students is low” and college freshmen are only “at modestly increased risk for meningococcal disease relative to other persons their age.”


Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease usually transmitted through contaminated food or water. Symptoms may be similar to the flu, with fever, chills, and fatigue. Jaundice is common. In 1995, a hepatitis A vaccine was licensed in the United States.

Findings: According to the CDC, “the overall incidence of hepatitis A has declined in the United States over the past several decades primarily as a result of better hygienic and sanitary conditions.” In the early 1990s, about 12,000 cases were reported each year in the U.S. Signs and symptoms usually last less than two months. Complete recovery is typical. However, the CDC estimates that in the U.S. about 100 people die each year from the disease. Even so, the case-fatality rate among persons of all ages with acute hepatitis A is just .3 percent (less than one-third of one percent). More than 70 percent of all hepatitis A deaths occur in adults greater than 50 years of age.
The groups at highest risk of contracting hepatitis A are persons traveling to regions of the world where this disease is endemic, men who have sex with other men, and IV drug users. Children are not among the groups at greatest risk. Nevertheless, authorities believe that “routine vaccination of children is the most effective way to reduce hepatitis A incidence nationwide.” In other words, children will be subjected to all of the potential risks of a questionable vaccine, with little self-benefit, as part of an overall immunization strategy to protect high-risk groups whose members are difficult to reach or who may choose to reject the vaccine.
The hepatitis A vaccine is propagated in “human fibroblasts” originated from aborted fetal tissue. It contains formaldehyde (a known carcinogen), aluminum hydroxide, and 2-phenoxyethanol, a toxic chemical comparable to antifreeze.
The hepatitis A vaccine is not covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Yet, many serious adverse events linked to this vaccine have been reported to the manufacturer. These include: anaphylaxis, Guillaine-Barre syndrome, brachial plexus neuropathy, transverse myelitis, encephalopathy, meningitis, erythema multiforme, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), operated by the CDC and FDA, receives numerous reports of “neurologic, hematologic, and autoimmune sysndromes” linked to this vaccine.
A型肝炎疫苗没有包括在国家疫苗伤害赔偿程序之内.然而,许多与这种疫苗相关的严重的反应事件已经向制造商报告.包括:过敏性反应, Guillaine-Barre综合症,臂丛神经病,横向脊髓炎,脑病,脑膜炎,多形式红斑,以及多发性硬化.此外,由CDC以及FDA操作的疫苗相反事件报告系统(VAERS)接收了大量的与该疫苗相关的”泌尿系统, hematologic以及自体免疫综合症”报告.
The duration of protection “is unknown at present.” Also, the incubation period (the time between being exposed and showing symptoms) of hepatitis A can be 50 days. Therefore, when a child receives the vaccine and contracts the disease shortly thereafter, the vaccine will not be implicated as defective or causative. Instead, the child will be blamed for harboring a pre-existing condition.


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants and children under one year of age. It also causes severe respiratory illness in the elderly. RSV is very contagious. Symptoms are initially similar to the common cold, then worsen as the infected person develops fever, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Most healthy children recover in one to two weeks. However, during their first RSV infection, about one percent of infants will require hospitalization. Some people die from complications of the disease.
Treatment of severe RSV infection is mainly supportive: oxygen therapy, hydration, and nutrition. A vaccine does not yet exist. Researchers have been hampered by the mutable nature of the organism, and “early attempts [at developing a vaccine] actually made the disease worse on subsequent infection.” However, two “preventive agents” were licensed by the FDA. In 1996, Respigam, an immune globulin treatment made from human plasma, became available. In 1998, Synagis, a “monoclonal antibody” produced in human and mouse genes, entered the market.
严重RSV感染的治疗主要是支持性质的:给氧治疗,水合治疗,以及营养治疗.疫苗还不存在.研究人员已经被组织体的易变性所难住,并且”早期的一些尝试[发明疫苗]实际上使得并发感染更加糟糕.”然而,FDA批准了两种”预防媒介”.1996年, Respigam(从人类血浆中制造的一种免疫球蛋白)开始应用了.1998年, Synagis(一种在人类以及老鼠基因中产生的”单克隆抗体”)进入了市场.

Findings: In 1956, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was discovered in chimpanzees. According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, who studied more than 30,000 pages of medical papers dealing with vaccination, RSV viruses “formed prominent contaminants in polio vaccines, and were soon detected in children.” They caused serious cold-like symptoms in small infants and babies who received the polio vaccine. In 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association published two studies confirming a causal relationship between RSV and “relatively severe lower respiratory tract illness.” The virus was found in 57 percent of infants with bronchiolitis or pneumonia, and in 12 percent of babies with a milder febrile respiratory disease. Infected babies remained ill for three to five months. RSV was also found to be contagious, and soon spread to adults where it has been linked to the common cold. Today, children who are most at risk of serious complications from RSV include infants born prematurely or with chronic lung disease, immune system problems, neuromuscular disorders, congenital heart disease, and other pre-existing conditions.
结论:1956年,RSV在黑猩猩身上发现了.根据研究过超过30,000页跟疫苗接种有关的医学论文的Viera Scheibner博士的说法,RSV病毒”造成了脊髓灰质炎疫苗的主要的污染物,并且很快就在儿童身体中检测了出来.”它们在接种了脊髓灰质炎的婴儿中引起了严重的类感冒症状.1961年,美国医学联合会期刊公布了两个研究结果,证实了RSV以及”相对严重的下呼吸道疾病”之间的因果关系.在57%的有细支气管炎以及肺炎的婴儿中, 以及在12%的具有温和发烧呼吸道疾病的婴儿中,发现了这种病毒.受到感染的婴儿一直可以病三到五个月.RSV还被发现可以传染,并且不久就会传染给成人,并且在成人身上会跟普通感冒联系起来.今天,多数处于RSV严重并发症风险的孩子,包括早产儿或者患慢性肺病,免疫系统疾病,神经肌肉紊乱,先天性心脏病以及其他生下来就有的疾病的婴儿.
Synagis is given as a series of five monthly injections at the start of and during the RSV season (usually November to April). It is very expensive; each injection may cost $900 or more. One mother reported being charged more than $7,000 for a single dose and $2600 for each subsequent dose. Her insurance did not pay.
在RSV为期五个月(通常是从11月到4月)的系列接种开始以及进行期间, Synagis是作为其中一种给用的.它非常昂贵;每一次注射也许值900美圆甚至更多.曾有报道说一位母亲被收费了7,000美圆接种第一剂,接下来的每一剂要2600美圆一剂.她的保险费都不足以支付了.
Synagis is indicated for the prevention of serious lower respiratory tract infections caused by RSV. Studies show that it will not alter the incidence and mean duration of hospitalization for non-RSV respiratory illness nor will it prevent upper respiratory tract infections. In fact, clinical studies indicate that children receiving Synagis are more likely to experience upper respiratory tract infections than children who do not receive it. Furthermore, some children will develop RSV despite having received Synagis. The data suggests that their illnesses will be no less severe than children who develop RSV without Synagis.
In a controlled clinical study. Synagis was found to increase the likelihood of developing otitis media (an ear infection), rhinitis, pharyngitis, rash, pain, and hernia. Other adverse events reported in children receiving this “preventive” biotech commodity include: fever, cough, wheeze, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, dyspnea, sinusitis, apnea, diarrhea, vomiting, liver function abnormality, viral infection, fungal dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, conjunctivitis, anemia, flu syndrome, and failure to thrive.
在一次可控的临床研究中, Synagis被发现增加了得耳中膜炎,鼻炎,咽炎,皮疹,疼痛,以及疝气的可能性.其他在接种了这种”预防性”生物学产品的报告的有害事件有:发烧,咳嗽,喷嚏,细支气管炎,肺炎,支气管炎,哮喘,义膜性喉炎,呼吸困难,窦炎,呼吸暂停,腹泻,呕吐,肝脏功能异常,滤过性病毒感染,真菌皮炎,湿疹, seborrhea,结膜炎,贫血症,流感综合症,以及发育不良.

To learn more about vaccine safety, efficacy, laws, support groups, natural alternatives, reversing vaccine damage, and more, please visit the…
Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute www.thinktwice.com
三思全球疫苗研究所 www.thinktwice.com
 楼主| 发表于 2006/10/5 08:26:15 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006/10/5 09:43:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006/10/5 22:35:25 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主, 辛苦了。
现代人是怎么了,打这些毒针已成为时尚, 98% 的人从不质疑医学权威和媒体的洗脑, 不给小孩打针的家长得偷偷摸摸的, 见不得人似的。   真是作孽啊。
发表于 2006/10/7 09:02:40 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2006/10/7 10:22:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006/10/7 11:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006/10/10 10:36:32 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寻找中医 at 2006/10/5 08:26:


这些疫苗是单一剂量, 出生婴儿和成人同一剂量,以体重计, 婴儿一针相当于成人20 针。

[ Last edited by 玄庄 on 2006/10/11 at 23:02 ]
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